So you want to know how to make a map. Easy. Just follow these simple steps, and you will mapping like crazy!

First, in order to make a map, you must use the game making utility from BYOND called "Dream Maker". It should be on your desktop, so just double click it.

Now, you should see it. Now, in the top left corner of your screen, click on File, then New Enviroment. Name the Enviroment "Test Map" and click ok. Now you should a open space to type stuff into.

Ok, we are ready to begin. Again, click on File, then New. Now you should see two things, Type and Name. Click on Type and click on Icon File(.dmi). Now name it "grass".

Now that we made a "grass.dmi", we have to draw it. Click on the little paintbrush circle thing, the one with blue, red and green on it, and it should open up. This is where you actually draw the icon. Now, find green on the color grid on the right, any shade of green and click on it. Now that you have chose the color, click on Flood to the left, and then click on the click somewhere in the gray space. You should have a nice little icon that looks like grass.

We are done with the icon, now to make the Map. Click on File, then new, and make the Type, Map File(.dmp), then name it "Map". Dont mess with the map size, just click Ok. Now you should have a map with a total of 100 tiles. Now, its time to put the grass onto the map (fun part).

Now, its time to code (dun dun dun). Coding maps isnt alot of code, its quick and easy. Now, click on Test, thats located on the list to the left of the screen. Now, type on the first line: turf/grass

Now that you have that, press enter, then tab it so it sits neatly underneath the first line of code. Now type: icon = 'grass.dmi'

Now you have coded a turf! Now its time to put it on the map. Click on Map.dmp, located on list on the left side. Now you should be looking at your map. Now look at the list to the left. You no longer see Map.dmp and all the other stuff, thats because you are in the Objects tab. Now, click the plus sign next to turf, on the list to the left, and it should bring up your grass. Click on the grass, then click Fill thats next to Add and Select, and make the whole thing grass. Tadaa! You made your map!

Now, time to test it, to make sure everything is right. Click the File tab, thats next to the Object tab, so you can see the list with Test in it again. Now, look up at the top of the screen, and find Build. Click on that, then click on Run. When it asks you to compile now, click yes, and continue on. When it opens, you should now see a nice, grass map. You did it!

Now, remember everything I tought you, and mapping will be no problem! Later!

Huh? What did I say to have my comment deleted?
Anyone who says "Noob" is pretty much a newbie themselfs.
Don't tell them!
Now people on DBZ will only ask for coders and iconers!
This isn't really about mapping. First of all, you're saying the person has to be an icon artist. Second, you assume that the person isn't supplying them with what they need to map.

Mapping isn't just placing objects on the map, it's really an art that some people can do, but can't do well. If I were making an MORPG in BYOND with pre-made maps, and the maps were big enough that I'd hire a mapper to make them, I'd want them to be thinking,

"Okay, I want the player to walk x distance from this point to this point, and I want them to be guided by a path this far. i want this part confusing so that they will possibly run into this dangerous area, but I dont want the dangerous area path to be so confusing that every newbie runs into it. This place needs people patrolling it's borders, and it is a human settlement so the town will need structure such as a large town hall on the hill and the city beneath, with businesses on one side at the 'town square' and homes on the other side."

THAT is map making.
Anyway, the way you have it written down is something like this.

------icon = 'grass.dmi'
------icon = 'water.dmi'

Another way you can list stuff (and something I find handier) is to put all of your turfs into a single icon file, and do this instead.

---icon = 'turf.dmi'
------icon_state = "grass"
------icon_state = "water"

As far as coding goes, I suppose it doesn't make as much of a difference but I think it's easier than having a hundred Dmi files in your project when they can all be sorted into what they are. You could use an icon for turfs, a seperate one for objects, another one for mobs, etc. Less scrolling to find what you want to use.