Final Fight

by DarkMoonProductions
Final Fight
[PvP & RP Servers] Explore this expansive recreation of the Ninja World. Endless timeline, immense environment with vast lands. Live and breathe the life as a Shinobi, Samurai and many others.
Why did sasuna say "some of the players really messed up this time and that we wont be seeing NFF for a while." im just wondering
Yeh why? When is the game going back up?
He's fixing a long ass bug thats been ages in the server. Or he's just taking a vacation from us lol so Happy winter break(?)
i wouldnt be surprised if it comes back up and we are all wiped.
Half the server was abusing so sasuna took it down for a few days then argon confirmed this with saying Enjoy ur break and some other things and it is not a long ass bug its already fixed, consider this a punishment
Wack people who aboose have to ruin the game for others
HAHAHA I hope its fix today ot tommorow evening because I got vacation
i dont think this a good idea... what if the player base goes down dramatically?
wow..really ? i though that they're updating something but whe n i read this .___. hope we can play again (coz i didnt play for 2day already)

[EDIT]Ohh well...i think it 3days now...xD so bored nothing to play xD
Yes This is taking forever to go back up and i have winter break
yeppp.... this games gona lose alot of players. my christmas break is ruined i have nothing to do
and why would you shut it down christmas break when we acually have time to play it...
So playing NFF is the only thing you do over your breaks? Right...
whens the game coming back out?

I am going to die D: if this game havent come back
well when it comes up a pwipe would be great all fresh :D
Merry Christmas Ugly Kids =DDDDDDDD~!
I was on when the server went down.. Apparently over half the server was abusing in some way. The last thing he said was that people wouldn't see nff for a while. Its been down over a week now. These administrators take this game to seriously. They need to lighten up and find better ways to entertain themselves beside distributing punishments to players by shutting down the game. Bro its a lil beta cpu game... Get a life cobra you nerdy stuck up DOUCHEBAGnd cpu game Loser!!!!! Get some pussy and stop revolving your life around cpu games Loser!!!
lmfao@ yingyang!
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