Owner: Sethx88
Player Rules
Please Read Rules Carefully, Ignorance Will NOT be tolerated!
Rule #1. Do not ask for GM status, just enjoy the game like everyone else! (GM's will be picked when needed, and only I (Pylar), decides when it's needed)
Rule #2. If you find a bug, report it to a GM. DO NOT take advantage of any bugs.(If you are over powered, you will be banned on sight. We know if you have abused.)
Rule #3. Do not spam the OOC. If you spam the OOC, you will be booted!
Rule #4. Do not promote other Byond games in the OOC, you will be booted!
Rule #5. Do not disrespect GMs or other players.
Rule #6. No cussing in the OOC. You will be temporarily muted. No filter avoid, dont even try it!
Rule #7. No racist remarks, keep them to your self.(you will be muted or banned)
Rule #8. AFK training is allowed, make sure you AFK train in the safe zone.
Rule #9. English only in the OOC please.
Rule #10. Do not discredit GM's without proof (screenprint), if you do anyway, make sure you can back the threads up or you'll get banned/booted.
Rule #11. No icons that blend in with surroundings or you will be booted.(Do not try to become invisible in any way!)Player Or GM's.
GM Rules
Rule #1. Do not give players free items (radars, zennie, microchips, DBs etc.)
Rule #2. Do not abuse your abilities as GM. You will be demoted and/or banned.(summon kill, jail for no reason)
Rule #3. Don't stay idle more then 50% of the time you are on. Do your job!!!
Rule #4. Do not make favorites with certain players, treat everybody with the same amount of respect.
Rule #5. Do not mute/ban/boot people because you are un-happy, let another GM stand in your place ATM. (demotion to player, no matter what lvl GM you are)
Rule #6. Do not ban without the consent of the owner/host, check in first.
Rule #7. No abuse what-so-ever. Any abuse reported will be documented and revised by a higher level GM.
Rule #8. No icons that blend in with surroundings or u will be booted.(Do not try to become invisible in any way!)Player Or Gms.
Rule #9. Do not Disrespect Players or fellow Staff Members!
Jan 9 2011, 10:00 pm