o ok i ill try i tnow, lol i feel so dumb
same problem
How does your code look like as of now?

Also, what is your map size? Are you starting at 1,1,1? Does your board cover the whole map?
i have 100 turfs

each one is the same as this

if( x == world.maxx)
dir = NORTH
dir = EAST
if(x == 1)
dir = NORTH
dir = WEST
next = get_step(src,dir)

and the Dice verb u provided

however, now it doesnt give me th emessage like before
would u like to team view ?
You don't have to override New on every turf you have. Just do it the way I did.
// code here applies to all turfs by default
still doesnt work
Does your board cover the whole map?

Have you overridden Move anywhere else?

If changing

loc = turf.next

fixes the problem, one of your movement procs are interfering.
i used Move only under client to prevent using arrows, and yes the board covers the whole map

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i used loc = turf.net and it works however the player can move on the brown sides so in world.maxx i added world.maxx-1 and now it doesnt loc on the sides at the right but it locs on the sides at the left,
also now, when i throw the dice it moves to the west instead of east
The problem is that the code I have provided assumes that every turf is part of the board (without borders).
In response to Jemai1
when i made world.maxx-1 it not longer considers the borders on the right part of the board, is there a world. that cheks the left side of the map??
Left side's x coordinate is 2.

Also, because of the border, even and odd rows were interchanged.
ok then i will just remove them :P
In response to Jemai1
THANKS alot it works perfectly now, i fanned u :P
If the border is only for aesthetic purposes, you can add it on the skin instead.
In response to Jemai1
can i use Entered() when a player locs to a turf? or only with Move()?
Directly setting loc does not call Move()/Entered()/etc.
im wokring on LAdders, and trying to figure out how to make it work, i manged to make it work with move but since we r using loc i have to think of a new plan
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