![]() Jul 5 2010, 10:00 pm
First, I'd like to start off with: The game is great! absolutely wonderful, the playerbase has a few douchebags but thats about all, as long as you can RP fine you should have a great time, and even if you can't rp very well, you'll still enjoy yourself! The battle system it has is pretty neat, and it adds restrictions to RP, so that people can't godmod definitely, since they would have to also roll a stat in a fight to make sure their action is successful!
Now that I am done with that... The host/creator is shallow, and chooses godmodders over people who work very hard and RP fairly well. The levelling system is BS, as at the very mention of a level she will dub you as a RP farmer and never get you levels, even if you deserve it more than someone who goes away for 3 days and then logs in and does 2-4 paragraphs and suddenly gets level 8. She also supports really mean people! She won't help you if you're getting bullied, and will probably join in and claim that you're begging for attention! and if you start speaking your mind you'll get muted/booted! and then she will claim that you are disrespecting them, when you're the one getting trolled! Now, whether you want to join this great game or not is your choice, just hope the player base is also great by the time you're in. |
Zekai wrote:
First, I'd like to start off with: The game is great! absolutely wonderful, the playerbase has a few douchebags but thats about all, as long as you can RP fine you should have a great time, and even if you can't rp very well, you'll still enjoy yourself! The battle system it has is pretty neat, and it adds restrictions to RP, so that people can't godmod definitely, since they would have to also roll a stat in a fight to make sure their action is successful! Seems to be that this story is one-sided |
and i sit waiting patiently like a nerd getting to the nerd convention 3 days earlier and camping in front of the building so they can get in first. COME ON SMILES PEOPLE WANT TO PLAY! XD
Well, I've been having Internet issues, this is the reason I've been extremely inactive lately. Just posting here so no one thinks I'm gone. My debute will result in shock and awe. (;
P.S. You should look into creating a Website/Forums for the game. ~Kris |
LOL i got the first comment, and the game has changed a lot since the first time i played it. its a lot better now.