I consider mental illness things like ADHD, bipolar, that type of thing. A fascination over guns and shooting things, while harmful, is not something I consider a mental illness.woah, just found out i have a mental illness... being bipolar is fun tho you have your ups and downs but its koo.
I would just classify this as a very bad characteristic and possibly a lack of morals, but not a mental illness. His mother wasn't mentally ill, she was just apparently in love with violence and thought she was doing her son a favor by teaching him how to "defend himself" when really she was raising a murderer and gave him the tools and knowledge he needed to carry out his shooting at the school.
The sad part about all this is that there are MANY mothers and fathers like this one. My Mom tells me all the time that her co-workers take their children to shooting ranges as well. I went to a restaurant a couple months ago and overheard a police officer bragging about the fact that his daughter knows how to use a gun and kill someone just in case someone ever breaks into their house. People cry and moan over gun rights, and this is what they turn around and do with them. Raise their little boys and girls to be killers. Their motto is "when guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns." They're too stupid to realize they are just as much of an outlaw as Adam.
In response to EmpirezTeam
EmpirezTeam wrote:
Call me heartless, but am I the only one that has no real emotion over the whole thing? Sure, I understand why people would be sad, but had it been some elementary school in Russia, or the middle east, none of you would probably care and it likely wouldn't even get much coverage(if any). Shit like this happens quite often around the world(granted, not usually with children).
Just my two cent. |
In response to EmpirezTeam
EmpirezTeam wrote:
You are heartless. He has a very valid point. |
In response to Kozuma3
Kozuma3 wrote:
EmpirezTeam wrote: lrn2detectsarcasmontheintarwebs |
Expecting people to know you're being sarcastic, especially in this situation is ridiculous.
In response to EmpirezTeam
EmpirezTeam wrote:
Kozuma3 wrote: lrndarighttimetousesarcasmanywhere |
In response to ExPixel
ExPixel wrote:
EmpirezTeam wrote: |
In response to Lemon Squeegee
Lemon Squeegee wrote:
Expecting people to know you're being sarcastic, especially in this situation is ridiculous. You must be new here. Anyone who's known me for the past 7 years I been on this site knows I leave more sarcastic posts than serious ones. |
In response to EmpirezTeam
EmpirezTeam wrote:
Lemon Squeegee wrote: You just seem like a twat to me. |
In response to Kozuma3
Kozuma3 wrote:
EmpirezTeam wrote: Only British people get to use that word. |
You gotta be kidding me. Just because one dude went psycho doesn't mean every parent who teaches their child how to use a firearm is raising killers.
I am an extremely peaceful person, to the point where in my 24 years I have never even been in a physical fight (someone tried to fight me once, and I refused to fight back). I still would like to own a gun and learn how to shoot it well. In fact, I would like to have a few other weapons - like a combat knife, some type of machete/sword, and a bow. It isn't because I will become a psycho killer, it's because if I were in a bad situation I'd rather be reaching for something deadly than a lamp or something. Plus, I want to live in the woods, where being able to defend against animals is a good idea.