(See the best response by LordAndrew.)
Hello, It's been Awhile, i just need to Know Something.

I Just Started a Project Recently and i need to Make My Own Hub

żDo you Need to be a BYOND Member to add A Game?

I'm Kinda Lost Because in the Old BYOND You Were able to Create Games Without Being a Member.

I Need a Quick Reply, Beforehand Thanks.
Best response
At this point in time, you must be a BYOND Member in order to create a hub.
In response to LordAndrew
True, although if you have a friend that is a member he can create one for you.
Damn, That's too Bad :S Thank you So Much Anyways :)
All good and well but how do you decide who "owns" the game and whose account the hub should be on, how do you moderate that? I could have ten accounts..
Or that guy could be apart of the team and just be the only one with a membership?
I should think it basically comes down to discussion between the moderator and the people in question, with the burden of proof lying on the person trying to get the hub listed.
Hmm concerning that you pay to get these perks but you are under speculation for trying to use what you have paid for it makes nonsense, it's like buying a car but having to talk to a judge everytime you want to use it...
Well a car isn't a service it's a product, so that analogy is a touch misleading. Of course, you buy a car, but who-ever is driving it on a public road (you or another) kinda needs a license for that. It's all about understood terms by which something works.

The understood terms for the hub perk being that it doesn't make a lot of business sense (or really a lot of security sense for the user) to have people making use of the advantage of hub publication and listing without paying themselves, particularly when the majority of good developers are playing fair and paying up to publish their content with us.
Don't take it so literal..

The only security issues I see is that the hub details and password can be changed or subscription payments issues which IMO should be handled outside of BYOND anyway..

Business sense it doesn't really matter Tom has mentioned hubs going back to a free status anyway..
It matters until that transition occurs.