Well, many people made the mistake of buying the first game. Only to run into the mess of a game that was Two Worlds. Although, I was very skeptical of getting the sequel at first, I managed to look past the faults the first one had and hope to god this one was good.
To my surprise it is not only fun to play, it is a very good game. The visuals aren't the best, but they aren't bad either. Before I jump to praising the points of the game I enjoyed, I'm going to list the things that still erk me.
First off, like in the first game...monsters do not re-spawn. I've put twelve hours into the game, and just the other day went back to see if all the monkeys I ruthlessly slaughtered came back...nope still bloody corpses. This to me is a big fault, since eventually everything will be dead. Although, the world is HUGE this is still an annoying flaw.
Now the voice acting isn't bad...but it ain't good either. Some NPCs sound slightly convincing, then some sound like a random person got chained up in the voice studio and was forced to read some lines. The main character has to be a man, and your voice sounds like a medevil Clint Eastwood(Which may not be bad to some people!).
Those would be the two biggest things that bug me...other then that, not much does. The good of the game comes from a decently fun combat system, an abundant amount of quests, a huge world to explore and the crafting system in the game. I'm still currently playing this game with around twelve hours in and still enjoying it a lot.
Crafting in this game is really something. Breaking down weapons to help upgrade another or make a whole new one with different pieces. Using jewels to add certain powers to each weapon and so on. The alchemy in this game is pretty interesting as well, theirs hundreds of ingredients to use to make multiple potions.
The magic system is also another fun system to toy around with, I really have yet to mess with it much though. Lets just say you can basically control how each spell works. I set up one spell to shoot fire balls, but on contact of any enemy it not only hurts them with fire it creates random stuff to fall on them(Like boxes and chairs!).
This game is definitely a fun sand box RPG, and it also includes a multi-player. I haven't tried that yet so I couldn't say anything about it. If RPGs are something you enjoy, you should rent this game and give it a try.
![]() Feb 1 2011, 9:37 am (Edited on Apr 18 2011, 8:57 pm)