Keywords: idiots
It seems that DevilsMinion528 has been busy lately setting up an opposition to Tom's decision on dealing with Anime on the BYOND Hub. He dealt with this by creating a chain-pager message, which I received from multiple sources.

It reads:
Please lend me your attention for a brief moment.

BYOND Staff, Tom specifically, has released a statement saying that 'fan-games' as defined by them as "games who owe their popularity due to an outside, established intellectual property or franchise"

This means that every game that is based off of Dragonball(Z)(GT), Naruto, Bleach, Pokemon, Yu-Gi-Oh!, or any other well known Anime/Manga will be, again a quote from Tom himself, "pulled from the index before you can say "goku""

I personally find this as a stab in the back, since it was the communities interest in those 'fan-games' that gave Byond it's popularity and fan-base that it has today. This transition could literally reduce Byonds community by as much as 50%!!!

If you think this transition should be revoked and Byond to revise what they think is better for the players, then spread this post around to as a protest.

Now let me clarify a few things before you're kicked in the face for creating an opposition based on complete lies.
Tom isn't deleting games just because they're Anime. He is making them less accessible from the BYOND search index, so don't flip out if you think that BYOND Anime is going under, it's not.

I'm not sure if he's including Fan-Favorite games like Naruto GOA or that one Bleach game in this, but other than popular games and most definitely rips I am fairly sure they will be hidden. The direct links to hubs will still work, and I think you *can* find them in the search index as long as you have the right settings, so as long as you can get your game out in the right ways and people like, it'll still get popular.

So please, if you receive this pager message, don't pass it on! Instead return a message containing this blog post to the sender and ask them to do a massive-recall.
Please? Before this grows to become something bad?

I don't know Tom's actual intent, but this is what I got from his post and this is probably (99% sure) what he means. I don't speak for Tom in any way.
Original fangames are accepted and listed and searchable. The ONLY place they don't show up is in the general "all" listing or (currently) under non-fangame ("fangame", "anime") tags. It's really not a big deal. I went over this pretty well in the news post but apparently our average user has the attention span of a cat in heat.

Rips are another matter and we're trying to purge the system of them. You can play them amongst yourselves but don't bother submitting them to the index. And a rip doesn't necessarily have to be a fangame; it just usually is due to our culture here.
Well, here's the other thing. Technically, it's Tom's (and I guess Lummox JR's) site. He built his own net dream (so to speak), and it spawned in a way he never wished for ~ unnecessary, constant rips of anime games. I'm sure Tom had the intentions of fun, original games, not to host a haven of unoriginal, boring games. So it makes sense for him to clarify what those intentions were.
I'm sorry that this all had to happen to you, of all people, Tom.
I've been trying to calm down this whole thing over the pager, but I received this message 4 times from people on my pager and via-pager isn't always the best way to do things.
Posted the clarification because I don't want things to get out of hand.
it's not just that guy I'm getting spammed by it on pager, seriously by different mad rippers spamming it, I don't know how they do the page to everyone thing but hell it's annoying.
I agree with Tom's decision, to be honest. Glad I haven't recieved this page yet. I tend to not hang around with the Anime crowd.
I've gotten that message about five different times. It's not only ignorant, but childish.

There is no logic or sense behind what this kid is trying to say. Fan games aren't being removed, just brushed to the side. If anything, BYOND community will grow.
Thanks for the efforts, but if these kids haven't even bothered to read the news post, they most likely won't read this either. It's no big deal-- everytime we do a site update we get some backlash for a few days and then, after that, life goes back to normal. This last site update has actually been, by far, the least painful as far as user-reponse has gone.
I haven't gotten spammed with any of this yet...

Forever alone :(
Yep because not even the older fan-game developers really care about the site update much, it's only the 10-13 year olds that are complaining so much because they don't get what unlisted means.
Tom said:
"Thanks for the efforts, but if these kids haven't even bothered to read the news post, they most likely won't read this either. It's no big deal-- everytime we do a site update we get some backlash for a few days and then, after that, life goes back to normal. This last site update has actually been, by far, the least painful as far as user-reponse has gone."

That's good to hear, but still.
I don't like to take things like this silently, especially if they're based on complete lies rather than opinions.
Quality over Quantity.
Well, Oasiscircle, the thing is that all the rage seems to be built up and dispersed amongst the pager, where it will just dissipate anyways. So you might as well just ignore it and the kids with presumably ADHD will eventually just go back to playing their silly little game.
Mikau wrote:
So you might as well just ignore it and the kids with presumably ADHD will eventually just go back to playing their silly little game.

...people with ADHD have nothing to do with anime games nice to think people with ADHD are retarded though >.>
Actually, that was a low blow reinforcing that the kids in those games have "the attention span of a cat in heat."
I'd appreciate it if you didn't start or fuel fights inside my thread, Mikau.