
by Iccusion Entertainment
Online role-playing game that takes place in a fantasy world.
Teridal is dead because everyone on it is a big weenie and Aaiko is the weenie king. That is all.
Iobject wrote:
AmberJones13 wrote:
LOL? Am i mad? hardly.... your entire post is about me being raped at walmart, you have a really fucked up freaky mind boy, mind need to get that checked out... im not "suppressing" a memory, because there isn't a memory to suppress you cock gobbler.

You really read my message? LOL You have less of a life than me clearly. Why reply to my posts when you know this will all be locked/deleted? Getonmylevel Amberjoe.

You're really stupid lol.
just wanted to say that i miss the only "sekia" you should re bring that back you had alot of people playing the game before then now. so please bring back the old game
Yeah that guild name was about as bad as the guild
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