I checked to see if there was a runtime error, and there was. The problem is that this runtime error happened in my last game before reconnecting! I'll list out what it says just for reference. It's likely unrelated to the issue.
runtime error: Cannot read null.hp
proc name: combat (/proc/combat)
usr: Fugsnarf (/mob)
src: null
call stack:
Fugsnarf (/mob): Move(the turf (4,8,1) (/turf), 1)
runtime error: Cannot read null.features
proc name: Move (/mob/Move)
usr: Fugsnarf (/mob)
src: Fugsnarf (/mob)
call stack:
Fugsnarf (/mob): Move(the turf (4,8,1) (/turf), 1)
I can't explain the runtime error since it happened on my previous playthrough and I did not notice any issues. But, there you go if you can try to diagnose it! The game stopping at the score screen seems unexplainable to me. I can give you my stats and situation though:
I had no items
I died with 0 hp
1 bomb
First floor
Score of 195
Explore bonus of 39 x5
Hope something I gave you helps! If not, I've never encountered this before so I'll keep my eye out.