It's best not to call a person ugly, ye know...I respect your sayings, but then again, everyone is beautiful the way they are...I won't lie.
Proxon is jealous, because she's black.
Yet another racist comment. And i am not jealous because i look sexy and you look like a piece of trash virgin with a miniscule penis.

And that girl is ugly hands down.
Proxon wrote:
Yet another racist comment. And i am not jealous because i look sexy and you look like a piece of trash virgin with a miniscule penis.

And that girl is ugly hands down.

Proxon, Wtrbooger, whoever you are, you should get back to what you we're doing. Its not like you didn't post a picture of yourself on your blog of your ugly ass eating a watermelon.

Leave the innocent alone Wtrbooger.
What is it now Dokumonkey? And who the fuck you callng a booger? I'll salp you boy.
@ Destiny Hero: I know it's hilarious.
Noone is ugly :(
Stop with the mean names D;
Her nose looks similar to, Jackie Chan's.

No really...
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