Well, I have been with BYOND for a while now and I was always wondering what people think of using RPG maker tile sets (or really any pre-made professional tile sets) for use in game making on BYOND.
I get a lot of mixed reviews because there are some people on BYOND who think that we should make all of our own icons using the DMI editor. And that using the pre-made ones is "ripping" and hence makes the games using them rips.
Others tell me that they think it is fine. That pre-made icons give games a professional look which makes more people attracted to the game. And a plus side to them being pre-made is that it takes away from the time you would have to spend creating them all by hand which gives you more time to work on the programming and mapping of the game itself.
Personally, I love RPG Maker tile sets. I think they make the games look more professional, and they also give most games that little extra something that makes them unique. Now you are probably asking yourself how could that make any sense. If a bunch of games are using the same pre-made sets, wouldn't they all look alike. Well in theory yes they would. But in reality, the sets are so varied and customizable (plus not to mention you can edit them in DMI editor yourself to fit what you need them for) one game can look completely different than others while still using the exact same tile sets as the others. I guess it is really all in what you do with it.
So that is why I made this blog post. To find out what others have to say on the subject. =]
I would also like you to leave comments on your opinion as well.
Poll: Is using pre-made tile sets (like RPG Maker's) is okay for BYOND games?
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I think it's okay to use as placeholders until you manage to get a whole new tile set, and they are only used in RPG's.
i'm very tired of seeing RPG maker tiles everywhere. they are instantly recognizable, and not once have i seen them used and thought "oh, well the person using them did so in such a way that it looks varied and new". intead, it's "ugh, generic RPG maker tiles pasted all over the place for the millionth time. god damn i hate this game"
really crappy tiles made by a developer who can not draw >>>>>>>>> RPG maker tiles reused for the millionth time not to mention that with RPG maker tiles, you don't get to use exactly what you want to use- you have only what the set provides. seriously, please don't use RPG maker |
I agree with Zaole. They are so overused that I have started to find them graphically unappealing.
I don't know, I think it really depends on the game. If it is used on non-RPG games then it doesn't really seem to fit correctly and then I don't like the use of pre-made tile sets for them. But with RPG games that actual have a purpose (normally original game concepts not anime or fan based)I think RPG maker tiles fit nicely.
One thing I really hate though is when people start off using RPG tiles and then they start adding in random gfx from different things. like gameboy Pokemon buildings and random ass stuff like that. Then it just looks ridiculous. Or when people start off using original work and then add in RPG maker stuff. It just doesn't look good... And I mean I completely understand that it is there and already done. But if you took the time to make some original art, you might as well do the rest so it matches your game. |
Depends on which RPG Maker we are talking about.
I don't like RPG Maker 2000 graphics. But I think RPG Maker XP/VX graphics look great. They look good, have a nice style, are easy to use, and have massive variety. If they are used properly, then they can look amazing. Better than any game on BYOND I have seen. http://files.byondhome.com/TheMagicMan/dcity.png Picture is a city that I think is better than any map ever made with BYOND, ever. http://files.byondhome.com/TheMagicMan/cave.png I think this small section of a cave looks better than anything I have seen made with BYOND, custom graphics or not. And to be honest, I can name what... 3-4 games on BYOND that use these graphics? (And one of them is mine) If you can use these graphics properly (not many can) then I think they can look better than pretty much anything else out there. If you can't then they just look bad, but no matter what graphics you use, they'd look bad if used poorly. |
I dislike them for the same reason I'd hate a platformer ripping off Mario icons and presenting itself as a completely different game.
That being said, Enterbrain does hold on to their property pretty carefully, and I know a few games back before VX was released were C&D'd, so there is that risk. |
So, you wouldn't hate it as long as it represented itself as a RPG using RPG maker tiles and crediting RPG maker? Or you hate it regardless because it uses RPG Maker tiles and tries to pass itself off as a RPG maker game that isn't made in RPG Maker? I am a little confused about that.
Wow, those maps actually do look pretty cool. And I completely agree that a lot of the RPG maker things I have seen in the past and recently do look A LOT better than most of the things I have seen on BYOND. (Although I do like BYOND more.)
I agree with Moussiffer. If credit is given to Enterbrain for the tilesets and no profit is being made, it shouldn't be an issue.
It's best if they actually manage to make the maps look really well, like The Magic Man was showing. Some people are far better programmers than they are artists. Some people want to make a good online game through mechanics and story-- however face it, humans are vain and graphics are the first thing we see. Not a lot of people seek to play a game where mobs are stickmen and bright green squares with slightly darker green squiggles are supposed to represent your grass. Furthermore, what if someone has made a series of games in RPG Maker, and just wants to make an online spinoff? BYOND is one of the few places that offers the tools to do so. In no way should the creator of the BYOND game take credit for the art, and in no way should they necessarily be rewarded for it, but I don't think it should be bashed on so harshly either. Just my input. |
The RPG Maker RTP tilesets, contrary to common knowledge, are not free to use EXCEPT if you purchased RPGMaker, and even then, you are not allowed, per the licensing agreement, only free to use in RPGMaker projects.
So just out of curiosity will this game get sued then ??
http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/412101570/ unemployment-quest-a-non-epic-rpg?ref=category |
VixiV wrote:
So just out of curiosity will this game get sued then ?? No, because that game was made in RPG Maker. From the FAQ: Windows only? Can this be ported to multiple platforms? |
VixiV wrote:
So just out of curiosity will this game get sued then ?? Nope, that abides by the terms of the license agreement just fine. Enterbrain and ASCII doesn't much defend their IP, but that doesn't mean it's fair to use in violation of the licensing agreement. Violating IP/Copyright laws is a quick road to suicide as a real game developer. |
Well actually if you go to RPG maker and look at their resources, you can by their tile-sets and buy a license to use those tile sets in non-RPG maker games. They cost a little more because the license comes with them, but for a decent style that could add a professional look to your game, I think it is worth it.
Also, not all RPG Maker like tile sets are actually made from RPG maker. Many people make their own tile sets and post them online for others to use for free. The problem is how do you know if those tile sets are really the persons posting them or someone else, or RPG makers. Not sure why someone revived this topic, its like a year old. XD |
It's different for games that were ripped from without the owner's consent, such as Emulator's GBA games. Most people really don't care about it though, but in the game developement career that's a serious habit as if your game ever gets successful(really successful I mean) be prepared to get sued.