Keywords: clone, copy, random, rips, wtf
What's up with these clone games now? People just take it upon themselves to launch a new game, based on the source of an old one, when that game is still up and running. Is there really a point to copying a game? What do you get out of it? If you think you'd be a better owner, and can improve the game beyond the original owner; then make your own game.

I don't understand why people copy games, rip them, clone them, whatever they heck they do. Don't they realize that the more of the same game there is, it's all the same crappy game, with less players per game? Why can't everyone just be happy on one big game? If it's games with the same source, same features, just a different name, and 'owner' plaque on it, who really does this make happy?
Well, it gives people power.
Now they 'own' a game, and they're calling the shots.
Theoretically, they could change the game too. (I doubt they have the coding knowledge, etc. to do so, however.)
Power is nothing without people to use it on.
Usually a combination of A, B, and C.

A="I'm too lazy to read the DM guide and have no prior knowledge with programming."
B="I want to play God on a Naruto game where all my friends can be GM."
C="I really wish I made this game!"
But, do people see the error in these? It's just the same with someone offering co-owner, while the offerer is owner. co-owner...cooperative owner. meaning, two or more people own it....why is there owner and co-owner on games? Heck, some even have Owner, Co-Owner, and Game Owner, when they aren't even anywhere on the list of actual development staff.
I saw a Pokemon game once that when all the way up to like, Co- co- co- co- owner.
I immediately logged on and trolled the shit out of the game.
5 levels of owner? That must have sucked.
Um or it could simply be because one does not like something about the game and wishes to add their own ideas.

I'm pretty sure that's what the deal with all the GOA rips were, and not so much about simply owning GOA.
and, having 20 games that are exactly the same, besides from two or three features that were 'their own ideas' seems perfectly fine to you?
People want to have control over their own worlds. They want to hire who they think best represents their server and do what they want. Just like the people who make their own private servers, excluding the profit part. Generally this brings in a lot of people who share the same interest and makes the servers more popular than the original ones sometimes.

Other factors include laziness, most people aren't that dedicated to design their own games. Most people don't want to sit around and learn how to make their own game. I'm not defending them or anything, its just how I see it.

You also have to take in account that most people don't know its a rip. These sources float around just like how information does on the Internet.

Maybe if people were actually smart with their sources. Stealing other people's sources probably wouldn't happen in the first place.

Removing stolen games probably won't get rid of the issue. Maybe promoting smarter ways to handle your sources could later help prevent sources from getting leaked. Whatever methods get through to people would help.

I forgot to mention that when people do host/modify stolen sources. Later on down the road they could consider whether to make an original game or not. Because eventually they'll realize that their work won't get appreciated as long as they have a rip as their game.
Because everyone wants to be GM. So, when the owner of the game they are playing denies them that power, they look for other ways to obtain it. AKA getting the source, adding your name to the list of administrators, and hosting it.
It's basically just a power thing like everyone's already stating.

We have to include the age of the majority of the Byond community.

Their young, They've been ordered around by their parents, They haven't had a job yet or the promotions in their jobs to be able to delegate work/orders to other people bellow them.

So a lot of Byonds youngsters want power now, They want to own it all :) this is the so called *rebellious age in life* where u want everything you couldn't have before and more.
Admit it. This is the kind of subject you use when you want people to post on your blog but can't think of anything interesting to say. I mean come on, do you think people are going to answer differently if they're asked the same question for the thousandth time?

As for my answer, see first post (for posterity - as of Jan 16 2011) in my blog.
Well, for one, DBRP isn't a rip. May be considered a clone- but, in no way or form is it a rip (uses mostly...public icons.)

DBRP's source was released by it's previous owner, and the owner before that released his version too. Publicly. Anyone was allowed to use it. It's not a rip.

So, like. Soon after I got the source, I started doing updates. Then, the previous owner(s) were like, 'k ssx this is official continuation hi5' and then, there was no other games that used the DBRP source and remained true to the game. So, yeah. The previous owners didn't care, released source publicly, I continued it with their permission.
There's no difference between the motive of cloning a game with permission and cloning it without permission. So you're a valid specimen, and should tell us why you did it. ;)
I did it to continue a game where the original developers gave up, and people liked the source, i was on the staff of the latter owner of the game, and there was no other game like it at the time. :D
A fairly good post, yet, this topic has been re-iterated so many times, it's dead.
It makes people feel cool, for no reason.
There is obviously a reason.
First ask yourself, why would i rip/clone a game?
Im not defending it, but they obviously do it because they want to do what they can't do in the original game, or they just would like to be more of a Mod/Admin.
Maybe they just want to modify the game as they want or PROBABLY, the most probable REASON is that they want to fuck up that game by making a shitload of RIPS e_e