I just finished a base, fully animated. Ready to go. Starting a bunch of landscape turfs now, and ready for a project... Feeling very motivated tonight and I'm off for the weekend. So to anyone wanting to make a game, reply here. I made a blog post last time, but I prefer to start fresh rather than "join" someones project. I don't think I made that very clear last time. I would post a screen shot, but I'm currently posting via the PS3 Browser. (If there ever was a way to install BYOND on the ps3 with the new firmware hacks, that would be epic!) Anyhow... ideas?
An action rpg with players fightiing under different schools. Each school is represented by an animal and thats their style of fighting. The only "ki" type moves would be a fist covered in chi energy.... nothing extremely DBZ/Anime-ish. Would be fun.
Oh and Lige, I would be happy to work with you on something.
Cool man. I'll be hopping on MSN soon if you'll be on.
I am a skilled programmer looking for a pixel artist so I am interested contact me at [email protected]
Tobirachi wrote:
I am a skilled programmer looking for a pixel artist so I am interested contact me at [email protected]

why you lying