Keywords: byond, game, intro, movie
(See the best response by LordAndrew.)
No code

Problem description:
So this isn't really a problem, just more of a question. Is there a way we can use a movie file, for an intro? The intro would include Text, A movie file as well as audio. I was just curious if it were possible to do this without doing some ass backwards process.
Best response
BYOND does not support any sort of video format natively, so you'd have to do something along the lines of placing a browser element over the map and embedding a video in it.
Alright, thanks Andrew.
Vengeance 56 uses an icon state animation as an intro movie. I guess that's an odd workaround, and you'd probably have to generate it with some kind of script.
BYOND, is the perfect program to make cut-scenes for your game in. You get easy animations etc... but if you're looking to make a movie in another program and implanting it into your BYOND game you can easily use the browser, making your main child switch to it so it can have the full screen and than play your movie.{This is easy to do if you're good with flash, youtube is a novice way to do things because the player would be able to search through the videos while playing the game. So flash is the best decision.}