Version 3 has seen many improvements to the core system and even more new ideas for a byond game. These ideas are still under wraps and will be kept secret from the public till it's official release.
Right now we are hoping to get the game out by the time Byond has the flash version ready. It would be great to show new players a new game to play. More options should mean more people coming to Byond to see games.
We have been trying hard to bring all the features of Final Fantasy 6 that the fans loved most to War of the Magi so players can enjoy them in a multiplayer world. We will see how that work pays off this spring.
Here is a new teaser pick showing a new spell and it's new animation.
Here is some more pics added.
Jan 14 2011, 12:08 pm
Well a few more systems to be added. (no more struggling for blue mages and summoners). Few more maps to be created and it's on to the main story (most of this is coded, just not scripts written out yet). Add a few side quests and testing will begin. Repeat this process till we feel the game is long enough and it will be released. I originally planned for a release in March. Realistically do to how much time off work I get in Feb this probably will happen by then if not before.
I'm very happy with the system. It has fixed many of the issues Legends of the Crystals had. Only a few things haven't worked though the skills just failing normally hasn't been ruled out. What's great is this game is already attraction attention outside of Byond. Maybe it will bring in new players.