![]() Jul 16 2011, 7:04 am
well i appleyed to be unbanned on the forum so plz tell me if i become unbanned
None replied to my unban app its actually retarted how afterwards i get banned for expoloiting a bug that i use for like 2 minutes then tell about it.
hey Vordemort nice touch on the ripped Naruto Hebi Takeover clans it really made this game something...the nice thing was i actually coded NHT so im kinda hurt that you would pass it off as your own.
vord when am i sposed to be unbanned when is that all being unbanned u talked bout'?
DragonDesend wrote:
hey Vordemort nice touch on the ripped Naruto Hebi Takeover clans it really made this game something...the nice thing was i actually coded NHT so im kinda hurt that you would pass it off as your own. Lmao, you didn't even do a shit. Every credit should go to the legitimate owner of NWOTS |
im bann forever on it and i was haveing a good time then ilogged out and tryed logging back on and it sez you have been banned by host. and its a bug so i can neve play it again.
It won't be off long when it is, the reason it was off at all was because our host had some electricity problems. And where he was staying didn't have the Internet to host. We found a TempHost, but then all of a sudden allot of our Staff's internet either got damaged, or died. We are sorry for the inconvenience this has caused in the past week or two but we are trying our best to get things on track.
~~~~Staff of NBoTL |