Well, I have been working on this game tirelessly for sometime now. Always adding new things or replacing old ones. For the longest time I tried to keep a low profile on what I was doing here with this game as that I could work on it privately without 2464654163443136 people sending me messages asking me if they could play it or if I could host it or if I would give them the source code... (It gets really old after a wile)
I am happy to announce that I have made huge progress on the game and I am now officially in closed private beta testing. Whoooo!!! This means that I am in need of some beta testers.
What am I looking for in beta testers you may be asking? Well you have come to the right place.
I am looking for people with the following abilities.
1. You have to be able to devote a good portion of your day to testing. That means 3 or more hours on days that testing is being held. I require so much time, because this is not like any other charmed games you have played on before. You will need the extra time to not only become familiar with the new settings (Map wise) but also to be able to get used to the actual game play itself.
2. You need to be able to type in the English language and do so in a proper manner. This may sound harsh to those of you who aren't native English speakers, however, I will need you to do some typing and if I cant understand what you are talking about, you are no help to me. You don't have to be a scholar. But I do expect you to use grammar and punctuation properly.
3. You must, must, must, check the forums or your E-Mails or whatever system of communication we come up with, often. That means everyday or every other day. Because you need to not only be informed of testing dates, but if I need to send you other information or items, then I need to make sure that I don't have to wait 3 weeks to hear aback from you.
4. You must show up to test. I know you all have lives and you cant be on the computer 24/7. I will try to schedule testing dates around everyone's schedule and mostly they will be on the weekends, but, I can not have you showing up for every other test or one test here and skip 5 test and show up for the next 2... I need consistency.
5. You must be well organized and have a mind for catching mistakes and bugs. I don't want people who just come on and play around on the game. This is a serious job. I want to make sure that the game is bug free or at least as close to bug free as possible by its release. So when you find a bug or you find a mistake (whether it be a mapping error or something wrong with icons, spelling issues, ETC) You will need to make not of it and be sue to send that information to me right away. Not in game, but through whatever channel we create to send information.
Things that aren't required but would still be good to have would be your own personal E-Mail address that you can check often. Skype, MSN, Yahoo! IM, or AIM instant messengers would also be a good thing to have. and you will also want to make an account on the forum (But not yet, because I am making a different forum than the one shown on the hub)
If you are interested in becoming a beta tester, you may reply here, but I would prefer it if you messaged me on my instant messenger accounts.
AIM = Moussiffer8
MSN/WLM = [email protected]
Yahoo! IM = [email protected]
If you have any questions comments or concerns feel free to also message me on there or on here. And if you would like some information regarding the game and its updates/the new direction it is going. Feel free to message me as well. I look forward to hearing from you.
![]() Jan 13 2011, 4:28 pm
yo i will be your tester im usin yahoo i also send invite it [email protected]
I would like to Test. I am a long known charmed Player aswell as RPer. On Charmed I am known as Eries but on some other more anime or manga based games I am Hiaku. I have an eye for spotting things, which is sometimes why I am disliked for making suggestions to adjust things. My e-mail is [email protected] I am soon to download a MSN and post the address. I can devote my time unless I have to attend something related to my R/l and if I do most likely it is important (High School Student)