Lige wrote:
@SilkWizard: Where do people who enjoy both fanbased games and original games stand?

I have no problems with people who enjoy fan games, nor with people who choose to take the time to make them properly (ie: getting permission from the holder of the IP in addition to not stealing source code).

My issue is with the types of people that all of the terrible anime/fan games have brought into BYOND. 99% of anime kiddies who take part in the BYOND community are either morons who make "rips", or trolls intent on creating drama.

Those types of BYONDers drive quality developers and players away and suffocate the handful of remaining developers who are actually using BYOND to make real games.
Lige wrote:
Probably not the best place to discuss this, however; I was wondering if you have long-term plans for NEStalgia or if you plan to get it to a certain point before starting a new project?

My most recent post on the subject can be found here: SilkGames?command=view_post&post=105462

Assuming nothing unexpected pops up in my schedule, I'll probably be posting a lot of new information about NEStalgia and where it is going in the coming weeks.
So tomorrow, BYOND's new layout beta will be here, 4:00pm+

UnSub Goodnight..
Ah ... I posted this just before i went to bed.
Hoping i would help clear things up a little, since some people had contradicting ideas of what was going to happen and no clearly written answer from multiple blog posts.

Now i would appreciate no one having any flame wars or inappropriate arguments, if you must at least do it sensibly and maturely in a discussion.

I have deleted irrelevant posts, please do not attack me for doing this, i attempted to remove them fairly, but don't expect me to to get it all right.

@Dakumonki: do you think a post which was basically just *your lack of creativity* or comments like that are on topic?? also removed most recent racist comment.

@Ocean king: stop swearing, the majority of Byond is bellow 18 years old fact. and i don't swear ;)

@Lige: i have deleted a few of your non offensive posts only due to the fact they went a bit of course towards nestalgia sorry about that.

Other posts have been removed as well, I'm sorry if your unhappy about my view and what i chose to delete or not.

But please respect me and my site a little better:(.
By the way Teka, why you never log on MSN? >:
Anyway, I eagerly await the site update this evening and think it will bring forth some great things on BYOND. As Dakumonki said, unsubbed and making a sandwich. (:
SilkWizard wrote:
Dakumonki - I don't know who you are, but you are representative of the kind of person that I will be glad to see shoved under the rug tomorrow. You can barely form a complete thought, much less a complete sentence. You have nothing to offer me or anyone else on BYOND, and you never will. Good riddance.

Don't be worried about NEStalgia: come tomorrow my job is going to get a lot easier.

This is off-topic, and a tad random. But... did you just say Rugg?
We're running a bit behind as per usual, so I don't think we'll make it live today, but, barring disaster, it'll be out tomorrow.
Nuu. :'(
This is what makes BYOND so unique.

It's the only game website where you can engage in like 50 different flame wars simultaneously because in every blog post, someone is going to piss someone else off and all Hell inevitably breaks loose.
EmpirezTeam wrote:
This is what makes BYOND so unique.

It's the only game website where you can engage in like 50 different flame wars simultaneously because in every blog post, someone is going to piss someone else off and all Hell inevitably breaks loose.

Yes. Everyone is mad on BYOND. They just troll/flame or whatever shit to fuck you off.

No, what I like about BYOND is that it has a very slight feeling of homeliness. Everybody knows everybody to an extent(some more than others..) and how the developers(Tom and Lummox) don't keep their lives to themselves, unlike most online communities where the developers are a rare sight.
If someone gets really desperate, there's nothing stopping them from making their own website for listing anime games on BYOND.

If non-members can still make hubs, which they can, then the entire process can't be made easier. Seriously, the powers that be have handed this capability to everyone on a silver platter and still very few people either know about it, or know how to use it properly.

For instance, if I wanted to make a fan-site listing Naruto GOA. I'd simply grab the text info and parse it on my own page.

Anyone familiar with PHP will note that the entirety of Naruto GOA's information is sitting in a lovely little PHP Array, reading to be placed in whatever HTML template you want.

(For the record, that same script also works with member pages.)
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