Not much has been done on Craftfolk in this past week, except I did get the results of the poll being "Weekly", so that's a plus I guess.
I'm guessing in about a week progress'll get back up and running, so I sorry about this disappointing week, but yeah. Priorities are in order here. ):
I've also been working on the Craftfolk Launcher to make it update every 30 seconds with new player information, so that's kinda neat, but meh.
I'll update the download links with the new Launchers eventually.
I've also been considering using ATP Hosting services for the game when it finally does get to its Late-Alpha Early-Beta stages.
01-05-11:Mechanics begun.
01-05-11:Eating switched to Shift-Click.
01-05-11:Smithing complete.
01-05-11:Boolean Mechanics complete.
01-06-11:Pressure-Plates complete.
Till next Tuesday!
Green is completed systems.
Blue is currently being created systems or systems of the near future.
Red is in-queue systems.