I'm not sure if this was addressed completely, but I wanted to bump it to provide my own input.

I have to agree with Toadfish here, and say he's honestly pretty self-absorbed (or was). I don't see suicide as a justifiable means, especially in his situation. If he had done just a little research, he would have realized psychiatrists have dealt with patients far worse than this, and they have come out fine.

Suicide is the most selfish act one can commit, and what he had was treatable. He just couldn't bring himself to stop hating people.

Negativity is not what the world needs. It sounds like he never really attempted to be positive - not from this letter. It sounds like he really just wanted to stay in that spot, and because nobody ever asked (I'm not sure why he never wanted to even outlet it in some other form), he really didn't seem to try to let go of anything.

I'm sorry for the loss, and I wish he had thought this through a bit better, but I cannot say I truly feel bad. I don't think he deserved it, but purposefully hurting people that do care about you for selfish intentions is not exactly a "memorable action" in my book.

[Edit: But it's not my job to judge. I just wish people would stop taking their own lives. They aren't God.]
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