Keywords: dm, iconeditor, pallette
Applies to:Dream Maker
Status: Open

Issue hasn't been assigned a status value.
The BYOND icon editor would be an ideal tool for the kind of small-scale pixel art that goes into a BYOND game, if it had any way of making the colors I modify on the pallette consistent across the game project. It would be very nice to be able to set which colors I want to use without them resetting to default every time I make a new icon.

workaround is to just put the colors you want into a new iconstate. copy that state to new icons and you will always have those colors.
In response to FIREking
FIREking wrote:

workaround is to just put the colors you want into a new iconstate. copy that state to new icons and you will always have those colors.

Yeah, but it would be nicer to have a separate palette for each icon state, so you wouldn't have a maze of colors to go through when you create a new icon state in an icon file with many different colored tiles, for example a turfs file.

Also, we need someway to clone colors, so if for example you wanted to create a color similar to one you already have, but slightly darker, you could just clone that color and then edit the clone rather than selecting a premade color and editing it's color values to match the original.
That's true, but there's always Paint.Net

Look it up, its great.