Hey there,
You may have seen my keyname pop up in the developer forums from time to time - I'm not an expert in DM, but have avid knowledge. I'm not a huge gameplayer, but you might also see me pop up in a game of Casual Quest or Decadance. However, if you have a good game you'd like to pitch to me to try to play, I'm open - I just need a really cool game/community to join. I've considered NESTalgia, but I feel I'm behind the curb on that one.
In any case, I've actually been around for a while on a few other keys, but this is my permanent key, and only a select few know what my older keys were (not that it matters anyway). In any case, I'm definitely down to meet new people: Whether you want me to join a game, need help with programming, or even just think I'd be a good addition to your pool of friends. I hope to become a familiar face in BYOND, and hope that I can be a contributing factor in helping progress BYOND towards a better place - full of non-rips and just original gameplay. Looking forward to what's in store for us Tom!
To those of you that already do know me, you may be familiar that I am currently working on a project. I really have no idea what it's going to be like, but I'm really influenced by Legend of Zelda - so we will see how this turns out. :)
Again, if you have any game suggestions (that are not anime), feel free to pitch them to me. I'm looking for a good community, and something that I can somewhat avidly play (possibly RP as well)? So somewhat of an RPG I suppose.
And nice meeting all of you!
Best Regards,
I actually really like that second idea DT. It sounds like it could possibly be incredibly fun - it almost sounds like a hide and seek RPG style game, but rather with rounds instead of a leveling system. [And the DM can make it rather difficult - the only trouble would require balancing the gameplay.]
[email protected]
i'm very inspired by zelda as well, maybe we could work on something together. :) http://img841.imageshack.us/i/newstyle2r.png/ |
NEStalgia is a really nice one. Teridal is another one, but half (or more) of the community is just a bunch of trolls that usually just need ignored. Hazordhu has a nice roleplaying environment if you like to roleplay, a nice community, and a nice staff. (And eventually I might be able to release a game ... :O)
CauTi0N wrote:
I actually really like that second idea DT. It sounds like it could possibly be incredibly fun - it almost sounds like a hide and seek RPG style game, but rather with rounds instead of a leveling system. [And the DM can make it rather difficult - the only trouble would require balancing the gameplay.] Yeah! That's more or less what it boils down to. I really enjoy the concept, and I haven't seen many games like it recently, either. The thing is, the DM starts small and so do the players, so as the rounds go on, they both get more and more "advanced," I guess you can say, so I feel like that would be balanced, to a degree (without actually testing or the like). |
https://docs.google.com/ Doc?docid=0AdYKZU0NNGN3ZGN6a2NnZ3pfNWZjcDR6aGdj&hl=en (This would be an RPish game)
https://docs.google.com/ Doc?docid=0AdYKZU0NNGN3ZGN6a2NnZ3pfM2d4dDRzMmZj&hl=en (this would be a round-based game with rpg elements)
https://docs.google.com/ Doc?docid=0AdYKZU0NNGN3ZGN6a2NnZ3pfMmhua2RrN2R4&hl=en (this is just an rpg)
And welcome back ;)