SilkWizard wrote:

I always did wonder what the heck that guy was actually saying.
Going with Demolition Droid for the pure purpose of a lopsided match-up.
Yeah, but who knows what red cap has under that enormous hood?!

Just kidding, demo droid would mess up her day.
Red Cap FTW
Red Cap doesn't stand a chance against pretty much anybody in her own game. Maybe Boy Blue could have won this, but not her.
I'm back and red cap.
Is this shit ever going to finish?
Someone needs to step up to the platter and take a leadership role around here since Fugsnarf is unable to continue these Character Battles.

I nominate GMD.
I'll be honest, I had forgotten these guilds even existed already. They just aren't out there anymore so I never hear about them. Maybe I'll start it up again.
By all means do continue these posts, because we put them in with the games articles. This is darn good content and everyone would like to see more of this kind of thing.
Very well, I'll write up the next one right now. Maybe I'll bookmark this guild too so I don't forget about it again.
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