108 people fooled. Just thought I'd let everybody know how many people downloaded our April Fools source code joke (whether they fell for it or not). Sorry if it upset anybody (no wonder I don't have any friends, heh).

See you next year!

- Aaiko
A funnier april fools would've been if you had got some Iccusion staff member to announce that you'd been arrested by the police after being found guilty of a sex crime!
-1 because I just wanted to see what you threw in there instead. :(
108 is my Robotic's team number!
-1 because I just wanted to see what you threw in there instead. :(

-2 :(
I could tell it was an april fool's joke, but I wanted to see what was filling the 120KB of that .zip.
What did it contain?
108 is the same as 9 squared! 0mFgZoRz!!11!
Yeah, Aaiko, you may have fooled people, but you've got no creativity. Try something new, like...Uh...Something different.
Wildrogue, 9x9 = 81 :|
0mFgZzZ d0nT mAkEz0rZ FUNN 0f MEZZZ!!

IMZ A Math Gen1usZZzz xxxxxx !!!!11!!1!1!
But 108?
meh, yet agian, i fell for it v_v i blame my short attention year, ima fool you!
He had us fooled for over 3 years by saying that Akii was a woman!? :O!!