![]() Feb 15 2014, 10:59 am
Hey lewis, do you remember something like this? https://scontent-b-lga.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-frc1/l/t1/ 554622_305423616257850_322554416_n.jpg
Well Exgen. I'm off of DU. YOu dont have to worry about me anymore. Hopefully, youll let me host again, Since I'm not a badmin. Anywho, See ya around, Mate
Ex told me not en chat please do not ban me from I found 1 ansroid played the hell I got there I took to my base wise it was not you I ofalei br ba in occ it right and not have his brother he did not do that so I I have to play this game please do not do it
EX I can not even speak their language fluently so many mistakes that I have more I'll stop talking in the occ plz ban me
exgen u banned for no reason i didnt ddos threat... i dont even know what that is can i please get unbanned. if u do this u wont have to worry about me again. k unban me please k thx ;D
You probably dont care. But Ive been banned for like a couple of moneths. YOu dont have to unban me form hosting, you could at least let me play the game.
plz unban my ip from well everything. feel free to look at the logs not once have I personally done anything wrong. with the exception of playing on a unapproved server which i was told to my face was approved.(The server in question was using my connection. said host is moving to a different state today and will therefore be using a different ip anyways.
Yo Exgen I havent been on in years. Still haven't touched te game. I was talking with Tens about it for afew months though. About me hosting the game. He said for the most part I should be okay to play. But aboutme being banned for hosting,I"d like to talk to you about it. I'd really like to host again,and I can also bring a multitude fof players with me. Considering I never directly abused, but edited th races and rank to as it bugged the game, I'd like to have one more chance at hosting. If you give me one more shot,I can promise that no abuse will go on. If there is any slight abuse, You can ban the server on a whim. I tat isntenugh to convne you, I'll py you aout 20 or so dollars on paypal. If I abuse you can keep the money and ban me. Please, think it over
Still banned and seriously don't appreciate being banned for stuff I didn't do...
http://puu.sh/aZRhQ/5a3e4d9669.jpg http://puu.sh/aZRjY/c4a01c155c.jpg http://puu.sh/aZRhl/3e888397f1.jpg Konomatoz is one of his keys. He abuses very hard on the server. He has bugged his way out of jail with a splitform some how, invisible icons, Infinite money and he doesn't speak english in ooc where in the rules your suppose to. |
byond:// exg question can you do anything about false framming on someone private or invisible server? i been ban for a reason idk what. they say i abuse when i beat them fair and square but yet they say i broke thru a 2.8 bill wall when im on at like 2mill bp and how is it possible and they said something about body swap bug so i guess when one of the admin use body swap on me it may have bugged me or didn't bug me but all i know is they ban me for nothing on my account.
Could you do something about the Dragon Universe main PVP server? I don't enjoy being walled into the heaven spawn.
Hey! I was banned on Dragon Universe and looked into it and realised you were telling people to not play on Converts server. I had no idea about it. Just wanted to apologise and ask for an unban from your aloud servers. Thanks.
Exgen the same thing that happen to plowplownm happen to me. I really dont look at the updates on games. and i didnt even realize that you was banning those who play on that server and I would like to be unban plz