![]() Mar 15 2011, 8:51 am
i hate rebirth :(
@Ararara: Haha, thank you for the offer I want to try our original host first then I'll allow you to if he doesn't
@ShinobiWithSwagga:Rebirth is coming but it is going to be very different then NNG's it will be a level cap thing +Bonus clans. |
1) i hate rebirth
2)for me is better level cap 300 and when you are level 300 can always do another char 3) when the sever will be on? you tell me saturday or sunday |
@ShinobiWithSwagga: xD idk, he usually comes on but I've been off alot so idk... but it helps me out xD gives me more time to code and completely finish the new map, because it has like 99999999999 trees and the tree turfs need to have objects placed over them to allow you to train so... you can imagine what type of a pain that is.
@Ararara: Haha Interesting well Rebirth will actually help boredom as James bell 96 said, it will allow players to keep a low level and keep gameplay fun with no OP players, and it will allow me to add in extra clans without more villages so when you rebirth you can choose to become that clan. @James bell 96: Thats right, nice thinking lol |
always down.... why tell people sever will be open tomorrow....or saturday or sunday or mondey
ararara why are u complaining if it had been any other owner ud be banned by now
so? i get ban for me is ok... bat now i think recave is only a noob..... he tell always sever will be on tomorrow... bat never host it..... he is only a liar.....
Sorry I didn't reply yesterday I got sick in like an instance during school and couldn't sleep the following night aswell as going to the doctor's office the next day.
@James bell 96: Yea I understand with the trees aswell I was gonna put it up either way but like I've stated Host problems. Thank you for trying to stop his complaining however. @Ararara: Unfortunately you are complaining alittle too much for unknown reasons, I've stated several times the game is ready and if it were up to me I'd have it up at this very moment but it is not. And I surely would not ban you for your words... I understand your frustation and what not but calling me a "noob" isn't nice and it really hurt. My stomach turned and twisted as I read your message and yes for a while I did lie in a sense because what I said did not happen but no one is perfect and no one can predict the future. I'm sorry you feel this way but I am trying my hardest to get it up and one way or another I did plan to have it up this weekend. And if that is how you truly feel please don't act like we are friends and pretend you like me if really you think I'm a "noob" my #1 thing is loyalty and if you rather get angry by your impatieance thats fine just do not act a way to me because I have "power" in a sense over you. I dislike that with my very life. |
lol raca same almost happened to me but it i dont get bad opf blood and things but my freinds arm got crushed badly
i'm sorry for tell you noob... bat i always played in byond... and play only in naruto games.... bat now all sever fail or down
What you guys need to understand is that finding your host isnt easy. Geez lols, find another game for now and just keep an eye on the hub. And Ararara its but not bat lols.
@James bell 96: Lucky... and yet unlucky I'm sorry for your friend.
@Ararara: It's ok, and like I said I understand and well finally the host has logged on so hopefully we can get it running today. @Tamatrix: Haha thanks for the help... Glad you understand ;) |
Well today's my b-day so if the game isn't up today that is probably why including the fact our host bought a new laptop with windows 7 and isn't sure he knows what he is doing... :/ of all the times but hopefully it will be up sunday I guess basically I need a new host so if anyone is interested say so please!