Naruto Revival

by Racave
Naruto Revival
@Ifrit30: Thanks Ifrit and yea I got them they fixed like every glitch I had thanks alot.
@ShinobiWithSwagga: Thanks Will do!!
o and if he says no since he is stubborn sometimes ask markysparky123
a hoster.... damn :( happy birthday recave
recave cant you host? becouse if you dont know how host i can expalin
racave ill keep an eye out for a host
go in chat byond try get a hoster....
@ShinobiWithSwagga: Thanks alot, I don't have alot of time to get in contact with them and without a membership can't send them messages without them friending me so if you could would you ask them for me?
@Dark toshi: Thank you, and okay.
@James bell 96: Thanks so much I need the help.
Okay so an older version is up and should be up for awhile, the new version will be here soon and still looking for a host btw.
i dont c the older version..also yh ill ask them
RACA..add [email protected] NOWWWWWWWWWWWW...booyah.. i got u a hoster bitch lol
really a hoster is it a 24/7 hoster.
yh he is..ifrit r u on the old server?
well yeah im an iconner i go by Renkin
no i mean...are u on it right now ...cuz raca said he put the old server up
no its not up atm it was yesterday but i missed it.
Shisui/Makenshi sed u needed someone to host and he asked me so ill do it.
@ShinobiWithSwagga: Awsome thanks, and the old server xD, Meiga got lazy I have to tell him to put up but since Nato is here it is no longer needed.
@Ifrit30: Sorry you missed it not sure if anyone was on Dii and I were but we both went to bed around 11:44-12:00 so we dont know what happened after that and thats when the server went up so yea xD
@Natojames: I'll add your MSN and add me on BYOND Pager, becuz I'm at school atm and sendspace is blocked where the files are up...
i really miss this game
where is the old version?
btw.... it was way better than new flames!
keep up whatever work ur doin!
i swear everyday i check whether it's back on!
raca wats ur msn?
racave i added on byond pager and i dnt wanna giv my msn out on here so everyone can see it so page me on byond pager whenever ur online.
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