I watched the movie last night and couldn't resist.
Apr 1 2006, 7:06 pm
Apr 2 2006, 1:29 pm
Yeah, it was a great movie, but that part creaped me out, what with the whole squid in the bra thing, I was afraid to open my girlfriends bra for a month... Just kidding, I don't have a girlfriend, but the who afraid of bras thing was true...
Bras are equally men's and women's friends. I call into question the possibility of being afraid of them. ;-)
P.S. Saying you don't have a girlfriend won't help you get one any faster. Go out and look. =) |
Fruity Oaty Bars, POW!HEY!
Fruity Oaty Bars, make a man out of a mouse, make you bust out your blouse, eat them now, BANG! PING! ZOW! Try Fruity Oat Bars Oh BDM, how I love thee so. |
Hehehe. You didn't get the transcript quite right though. ;-)
Fruity oaty bars, make a man out of a mouse Fruity oaty bars, make you bust out of your blouse Eat 'em all the time, Let 'em blow your mind! WOAH! *insert distraught Chinese guy who didn't get his fruity oaty bar* Fruity oaty bars, Fruuuuuity oaty bars! *STRAWBERRY'D* *giggles* |
That has to be the most random advertisement I have ever seen... ... ... ... o.O
I've got that song stuck in my head now... *cries* |
Actually, that is what the director was going for, buy the DVD, they have a full commentary on it. And if you don't care for the comercial, buy the DVD anyways, it is great.