I watched the movie last night and couldn't resist.

Can't read it, what's it say?
Lummox JR wrote:

Hooray for in-jokes!

Hiead - Linky.
Ahaha, nice.
Yeah, it was a great movie, but that part creaped me out, what with the whole squid in the bra thing, I was afraid to open my girlfriends bra for a month... Just kidding, I don't have a girlfriend, but the who afraid of bras thing was true...
Bras are equally men's and women's friends. I call into question the possibility of being afraid of them. ;-)

P.S. Saying you don't have a girlfriend won't help you get one any faster. Go out and look. =)
What is this "out" you speak of.
Sounds suspicious, as though there is a world outside my PC!
Fruity Oaty Bars, POW!HEY!
Fruity Oaty Bars,
make a man out of a mouse,
make you bust out your blouse,
eat them now, BANG! PING! ZOW!
Try Fruity Oat Bars

Oh BDM, how I love thee so.
Hehehe. You didn't get the transcript quite right though. ;-)

Fruity oaty bars, make a man out of a mouse
Fruity oaty bars, make you bust out of your blouse
Eat 'em all the time,
Let 'em blow your mind! WOAH!

*insert distraught Chinese guy who didn't get his fruity oaty bar*

Fruity oaty bars,
Fruuuuuity oaty bars!

That has to be the most random advertisement I have ever seen... ... ... ... o.O

I've got that song stuck in my head now... *cries*
Actually, that is what the director was going for, buy the DVD, they have a full commentary on it. And if you don't care for the comercial, buy the DVD anyways, it is great.
Yeah, Joss Whedon just told the animation studio to dream up something really wacky without specifying any particular constraints. So they went nuts with it!

It's made even better by River's reaction to it, but I won't spoil the movie for those who haven't seen it.