Not Feasible
Applies to:Website
Status: Not Feasible

Implementing this feature is not possible now or in the foreseeable future
I really don't think Moderators should be able to block a user and I don't think users should be able to block a moderator, it's just bad practice and pretty rude even if you aren't doing anything wrong...

I would suggest a spam filter for moderator's if a user is spamming the moderator's pager then obviously .. they should be banned from paging the said pager...

Moderator's are supposed to be helpful not childish but they come across like this so very often.. and in the community are hated for these actions.. I see helpful posts being removed for unknown reasons it's pretty stupid.
It's worth a shot, they are all volunteers that shouldn't change the fact that they are volunteering for a BRAND a brand that should respect the users otherwise it'll just start losing them.. as it has started too already.

Really they just give BYOND a bad name when they do stupid immature things like banning a user and not responding....
Personally, I never block anyone despite what they say or do to me, because doing so prevents me from doing my job as a moderator. If a troublesome user does have a legitimate complaint, then I don't want to miss out on being able to hear it.
That's good to hear, it should apply both ways a user should never be able to block a moderator for some of the exact same reasons.
Nadrew resolved issue (Not Feasible)
Moderators deserve their privacy just like the rest of BYOND's users, if they don't want you paging them (even about moderation actions) then that's their choice. I talked to Tom about this and he agrees.
I agree somewhat on that part you are allowed to have privacy but it's childish is ban someone if they are just annoying you or don't understand something...

Perhaps a ticketing system would be better, this way a certain moderator could pick up that ticket and solve it even if the said user is banned from the mods pager .. of course as usual abuse of the ticketing system should not be acceptable and the user should be banned from that system.

But seriously BYOND needs some standards...
In response to A.T.H.K
This sounds like the support form to me.
In response to LordAndrew
LordAndrew wrote:
This sounds like the support form to me.

Where you can only reach two people? and those two people are Tom and Lummox Jr? .. busy people that have moderator's for a reason correct?

Not trying to argue but I think something needs to be done instead of the actions that are taken using the current system the one that makes you look unprofessional ...

[EDIT] On another note this shouldn't be "Not Feasible" it is possible and can easily be done. yet another moderator doing silly things.
There's not a "not happening" status, so that's as close as it gets. Your original suggestion isn't going to happen, so the issue was marked as such.

If you're really this unhappy with the system, stop using it. You're one of maybe four people who have an issue with it, I say we're doing a fine job. Just because you personally don't like it doesn't mean there's a problem with it.

I'll mark it redundant if that makes your twisted sense of perfectionism happy.

Seems redundant and not feasible end up as the same thing, so there ya go.
In response to Nadrew
As a moderator do you think you should have an attitude like that? do you really think it's nice to act like that to a customer?

I say we're doing a fine job

Right ok I think ill stop posting now this is getting out of control and will get no where since everything is apparently fine.
We can only focus on the ones who speak up, we're not mind-readers. I've seen very little 'speaking up' unless the person is getting in trouble.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, the ones who have the most problems with the system are the ones who feel they shouldn't have to follow the rules because they find the rules 'stupid'.

This forum is one of the most well-moderated forums I've seen, especially with the size of the community. If you have legitimate problems with it, then bring up some valid arguments besides the generic 'I don't like this system because I keep getting my posts moderated'. The original suggestion in this topic was entirely valid constructive feedback, regardless of whether the suggestion was going to be implemented or not. The follow-up idea is also valid, and an idea I've suggested myself in the past, getting hissy over your suggestion being marked appropriately is however, not constructive.
In response to Nadrew
Am I included in that 4?

"If you page me again requesting moderation, I'll be forced to pager ban you." - Pretty sure that was you.

I don't agree with you even being able to tell an user that. Asking you to fulfill your responsibilities as an moderator isn't nearly anything deserving of being ignored. It should be recognition that the way things are aren't working. If I, an average BYOND user, can point out things to moderators that they should've picked up on their self, then I think it's a little iffy. I have reported a Bleach rip for being listed - not too long ago. Why was it listed at all? And why is it that there are users that fulfill the moderation's responsibilities more? Higoten, for example, did more than a good bit of the moderation team and was only made moderator after I brought attention to the matter. Things could defiantly be worse, but they SHOULD be better.

[EDIT] Forgot to include that I support moderators being able to ignore users on a private level, but users shouldn't be able to ignore moderators, in my opinion. But my support would be under the condition that moderation were more professional about things than they are, so I don't support it with the current moderation. [END EDIT]
Apparently ATHK got banned for this post? Pathetic really the mods need to have some respect for the community...
He wasn't banned for this post, he was banned for a series of posts that came after this post.

Tom was the person who applied the ban, so I don't think you can blame 'the mods' for this one.
In response to Nadrew
Regardless of who it was if you can't express your concerns on a forum whats the point of having a forum or mods for that matter.
He was fully allowed to express his concerns, being snarky and purposely acting out to instigate the moderators is going to end up getting you banned. Most of what he did to get banned was deleted because it was outright immature.
But yet you ban him for saying the s word that is another word for crap and he is unbanned because it was an incorrect ban then you pager block him?

Who are you to say what is immature or not when you can't even moderator correctly?

Although this is his story I asked him on MSN I would like to see if it's true.
He was banned that time for ignoring previous warnings about foul language (the same we've enforced since 2002), after the fact Tom decided to go a little lax on the language rule and the ban was removed after discussion. I didn't ban him for using bad language that instance, that's a multiple warning thing; but he had already used up those warnings.

As for the pager thing, he pages me for just about every action taken against him, if he agrees or not, at some point you get tired of the commentary. I plan to remove the ban in a few weeks, if he comes back with a better attitude.
In response to Nadrew
I assume that, for some reason, the rule doesn't apply to moderators in personal pages? You've told me I got banned for "derailing over stupid sh!t", without the !, of course, when asked why I was banned and not the person that actually derailed. Then, of course, Calus, an moderator, was involved in derailing a topic that was orriginally derailed by the same person, within the week that I recieved, which was lowered from the orriginal two week ban you gave me, because I was helpful on the forums. Then of course I was ridiculed by another moderator, Stephen101, when I requested a new forum-specific ban that'd allow people to post in certain sections of a forum and not another; Which was more a personal request for proper management of hub forums, but also an request to have been able to still contribute to the community in a positive way(Dev. Help -which I was top for the month at the time) while banned from other sections I may not contribute the same to. Also, there's the harrassement by Deathguard over the pager, which I would've ignored him from, but I don't believe in ignoring someone of authority like that.

Stephen101 was always alright with me until my second BYOND ban for 'derailing over stupid sh!t', after which he's acted extremely immature each time me and him have had any interaction, constantly judging and assuming falsely about things and holding me to that as if it's true and somehow wrong. I was called immature and 'quite young' for some time by him, to which I never recieved an explaination for except that he assumed as such by my supposid behavior on BYOND, when I requested a change in the way bans work.

You've never been alright, always up-tight and insulting. At least you're more up-front about things than the others, though.

Deathguard acted out of pure immaturity after I requested clearification on the reasoning behind the first BYOND ban I recieved, to which he flooded my pager with responses, sly remarks, round-about ways of insulting me without coming out and directly doing so, mocking of my request, and such, Even flooded my pager with about 50 more messages after I requested he stop harrassing me.

Tom always takes the slightest hint that BYOND isn't like another engine that is better and uses it to tell that person to not use BYOND and to go ahead and leave it to find this better engine, as supported by every other post he's made in the last six months.

Lummox is a lot like my description of you, but less active on the forums so a lot more tolerable.

The only moderators I would say that are doing a 'ok enough' job are Lord Andrew, even though it was most likely him that listed that Bleach rip I mentioned previously(which I find acceptable to make a mistake in not punishing someone - esp. when you can take input from a user and correct the mistake - than insulting or punishing a user for something that they really shouldn't be punished for). Lige, whom I'm unsure of a sure-fire mistake he's made, always seems rather friendly. And Higoten, which is ridiculous it took so long for him to join the moderation team with his contrabutions to BYOND Help and how much like a somehow friendly robot his post are.

Just to clear things up, I accept both of the bans made on my account, I do not hold it against any members of the moderation team. I do, however, hold their attitudes and methods for doing the things they do against them.

So no, I don't find the current moderation or the current moderation team to be 'doing an ok enough job'. And neither do half of the BYOND community, I've yet to meet a person that like the job done by the moderation team as a whole. When I hear good things it's about Stephen101, Teka123, and Lord Andrew.

I have kept my complaints to myself because, until now, I have not felt them appropiate for public discussion. Now, it's on-topic and to the point. Feel free to ban me for two weeks for this post, but I wouldn't like this deleted. I have not slandered any of the moderation nor have I broken any rule known to me. I understand if this post doesn't sit well with any of the moderation, and I'm ok with that, because I've only stated facts and opinions on those facts.

[EDIT] After some reflection, Deathguard was question on the deletion of some post, not the banning of myself. I don't recall my first ban. [END EDIT]
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