Hey guys. I'm new to this forum. I met a guy that went by Acebloke on a forum many many years ago. I'm trying to get back in contact with him. I saw that there is an acebloke on this forum. If anyone that talks to him could point him in this direction, that would be great. Thanks so much.
Thanks a lot!
Never a problem.
Now Acebloke's life is in danger. What have you done!
In response to Lemon Squeegee
Doesn't concern me, maybe he should lift more.
Theres no going back now man, you're a possbile accomplice to murder, run to mexico whilst you have the chance.
In response to Lemon Squeegee
Already in international waters.
Just filled my boy Daniel Craig on the situation, he'll hand you over to Interpol in no time, it's over man, done deal.
My life is always in danger ;p And yeah, we know each other from way back, thanks NNAAAAHH for directing him to me.