I've been working, quite hard, on a game called Craftfolk. It's not in any condition to play or to be publically tested, but it is something. It has a hub,
right here where it will be hosted. Although hosting it is a ways away, the hub does have a link to the
development logs on the game so far, and I try to update those daily.
There are
twothree Youtube videos with some demonstrations of some features and things, and more videos will be coming eventually. The first one is commentated, the second one isn't commentated because of my throat being extremely sore.
Video 1 - Inventory Management
Video 2 - Crafting System
Video 3 - Crafting Recipes & Fishing Preview
Hope you enjoy the videos. Make sure you give feedback or suggestions either here or on the video comments on Youtube.
Thanks to the awesome that is Kaiochao, I now know how to right-click. Yay!
Thanks for reading!