Applies to:Dream Maker
Status: Open

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Could the following codes be added to time2text():
HH displays the hour 1-12
AM displays AM if before noon, or nothing
PM displays PM if afternoon, or nothing
AP displays either AM or PM depending on the time
You can already code this. I made a small proc to do this before, it's not hard.

timestamp() // A timestamp proc which returns AM or PM as well as the time
var/m = "AM" // Set m to AM by default
var/hh = text2num(time2text(world.timeofday, "hh")) // Set the hour
if(hh > 12) // If the hour is greater than 12
hh -= 12 // Decrease the hour by 12
m = "PM" // Set m to PM
var/mm = time2text(world.timeofday, "mm") // Set the minute
var/ss = time2text(world.timeofday, "ss") // Set the second
var/timestamp = "[hh]:[mm]:[ss] [m]" // Put it all together
return timestamp // Return the timestamp
Practically everything ever requested is already do-able, and even the things that aren't never get added. Doesn't stop people from wasting our time posting ideas.
Well Falacy, I don't really see the point in this, except perhaps to increase efficiency rather than the post Warlord Fred made.

The issue I would have is adding more and more arguments to a procedure becomes a) overwhelming, and b) unnecessary.

Note: Hehe, Warlord Fred seems a little variable happy.