The X-Box 360 is junky. Halo's not even anything special, and that's all the system is good for anyway. Given Sony's track record, the PS3 will shatter just by looking at the stupid thing. Let's all be glad that we can use that system to dump all of the worthless Final Fantasy clones of clones of clones in one position.
The Revolution will top all of them. Specs don't mean anything when all of the games for it will blow. Mario beats them all out.
![]() Mar 31 2006, 10:47 pm
![]() Apr 1 2006, 12:06 am
The fact that you can't play a lot of the original Xbox games on the 360 is complete and utter bullshit.
This is probably the worst gaming console to ever be released. Period. |
I need a PC anyway. It doesn't cost much more to get a decent graphics card instead of an okay one - it's smaller price difference than the cost of a console. =)
(I don't actually hate consoles, I'm just tired of console fanboy rants. From any side.) |
Well a graphics cards i'm aiming to get costs about $334/$99 bucks + The computer i'm getting it with.
It would be good to play video games on my computer but it takes to much time and effort, because there is always this new ground breaking game that comes out for the PC that you need this $500-1000 card to play it on. When you could just buy it for $50-60 bucks and play it on a console. I only want a few games like Counter Strike and Guild wars but that's it. |
Sony Online Entertainment made a game on PC called Planetside and the graphics were blocky and horrible looking.
If thats all they can do with a PC, imagine how bad the PS3 will be? |
Can you play gameboy games in the SNES? Can you play SNES games in the N64? N64 in GC? Didn't think so. The only system that you can play games over is PS1 and PS2, and they both suck anyway. Nintendo has all the kiddie games. You can not honestly say that Xbox is shit, becuase it isn't. I have had my xbox for years and it still works great. The games own and so do the graphics. Revolution is for pussys and PS3 is for sony fans (I know, to some that isn't a bad thing, but to me it is.)
Xbox owns all, quit crying. |
Pfft. Like you can do those things on an unmodified X-Box. If one of the advantages to a system is something the manufacturers didn't provide, you know something is wrong. :P
I must agree with Evi except on 1 point, Xbox doesn't have that great of a title selection because of the fact that it was shunned by the japanese after its creation, however the xbox 360 is going to have alot more games by the japanese, they already have alot planned so it will have a better game selection this time!
The original Xbox has a crappy tital selection, with only 4 or 5 must have games in its entire span, and few others worth playing.
PS3, looking at what we have now, will have shit for game selection. The only one worth looking after will be MGS4. Revolution will indeed be the best. An amazing, revolutionary controller, great specs, amazing features(Wi-Fi and COMPLETE backwards compatibility alone will make it the best system), all for less than half the cost-PS3 is currently set at $500, and the Revolution is going to launch at $200, just like every NES console in history. If you say it sucks because Nintendo makes kiddie games, then you aren't a gamer, you're just a little twit, since what matters is gameplay. Keep in mind, the Gamecube would've been the undisputed best if it had supported online capabilities. |
Omg the xbox only has like 2 good titles like Kotor and jade empire dats it 2 me because that's i really care about it's the death or sportz gaming for ever lol i hate dat shit.
Nintendo revolution will suk as man all dey hav is mario and it's like a lil cheap ass 200 hundered dollar system with crap graphics. SONY HAS PWNGED GAMES LIKE IT HAS COOL GRAPHICKS AND ALL KINDS OF COOL SHIT YOU SHOULD CHECK THAT OUT IF YOU THINK IT AIN'T COOL THEN YOu'RE A dumbgit21! </biasflametroll> |
NooB r u shure u kno wat we're tlking abut it's da NeXt gen colsole war so u need to u kno gets some info cuz this at the 90s no mo?
Xbax has terrible graphics btw u kno and terribl game japs can kis my ass 'n shove theire pinatts up their ass lifehunter u suk dumbgits xbax sell horribly and japan! but look at sony it owns it has like 50 gabillian good games and is the richiest out of th e 3 it hold like da 60% or somethimg! -------- Okay, you guys see what i'm getting at?(if not i'll just stop trying) |
You are out of your mind. Sony seriously has terible graphics, they are blocky and horrid. :/ |