for (var/find_player_rooms in player_owned_rooms)
usr << " <a href=?[find_player_rooms]>[find_player_rooms]</a>"
Setting up a system for my text MUD to let players create their own personal rooms and then, via our existing travel system, click a topic link to go there. The idea of the above code is to list all player room names and provide them as links. Then, client/Topic() catches it and handles the actual travel.
Everything is working fine except for one thing: with names containing more than one word, only the first word is passed to the topic. For instance, if a room is called "The Wonder Emporium", what gets passed to Topic is simply "The". How can I force the reference to send the entire text string?
(Just for clarification, this is after troubleshooting and putting in a slew of feedback text to help find the problem. There is absolutely no question that only the first word is being passed to Topic(), though the entire string exists in the list and is displayed to the user properly as a link.)
Sorry, didn't fully read your issue before posting.