Marketing System This was a huge deal as marketing and banking system are a huge part of RPGs. here are a couple screenshots:

Selling is simple too! just open your inventory while the shop User interface is open, then click on the item you wish to sell.

Crafting has three parts:

From these professions stems Sub-professions which allow for different forms of crafting,namely:
*Black smith- Create weapons and armor
*Alchemy- Craft Stat augmenting potions and transformation elixirs.
*Crafting- craft accessories and misc items.
Currently the system and its mechanics are in its infancy but it quickly evolving into some dynamic.
You're able to craft Items using a very simple method of combing 3 materials to form one item magically!

In the Art department, we've been slaving away at hiding the nakedness of the player base with some new armor!

until more art is done,this is the only completed armor set in the game, complete with several variations!
Along with armor we've been working on a plethora of weaponry for players to use.

currently left on our to do list to building building a fun "sandbox" rpg are dynamically generated events that have direct and indirect influence of the on the world, an example of this would be players who play villain roles to raid small towns/outposts to gain certain perks and influence the economy of the game to their advantage. This can range from a recession like effect to hyper inflation of currency. and if left unchecked by players who play villian roles would subsequently send the world into anarchy.
We hope to implement a system inspired by EVE online, which takes the form of "security zones" these would indicate areas of the world that have better protection than others. security zones range from 0.0 to 1.0 with .0 being no security at all and 1.0 being the highest level where offenders will be hunted by super powered policing NPCs as well as a bounty on their head until they're killed.
In security zones with low security represent more dangerous paths laced all kinds of dangers. Security zones will be altered dynamically as certain conditions are met in the world.
We also intend to implement several group orientated activities which I will discuss once more information is available. so there you have it, the game is still under heavy development despite the quietness from the development team. we simply didn't feel the urge to building additional hype, also noting that I'm not the blogger I used to be.
This are ALOT more things that were new,but I cant be bother to list every last one of them.