I actually got around to updating Empire, the turn based strategy game of building an Empire.
Lately I have fixed a few things with manual control, since it appeared that some people would get really frustrated without automatic things like resource gathering and stuff. Next up is attacking commands ( basicly agressive levels, if a unit is set to extremely agressive, it will go against all odds to annihilate the opponett, where as lower levels will take more precautions (I.e. if its a lower level, and the unit is weaker than the enemy, it will call for help or flee when its close to death)
Im looking to finish this game and then get an icon artist to help in the making of a sequel dubbed Empire : The Conquerers(sp?), which will include new civilizations to play as, more units, buildings, scenarios, and campaigns. But as of now, im going to milk Empire dry and get tons and tons of features into it, then release the seqeul and add a few things to make it seem like a total redo by fixing up the system and getting icons for everything, but really my job is much easier once I make a system for everything, then i just expand and copy, expand and copy. And bam, a game is made. It is this simple with many games and game types.(mmorpgs, ect, basicly anything with way more than one of the same thing(items,monsters,units,weapons, ect)
basicly, this game is in almost all ways a copy of Age of Empires, except turn based.
I think that i might make a libarary for turn based functions and processes, since i seem to have it down after making 3 engines and constantly building off of 2 of them(1 was lost)
for reading my rant have a penguin(ignore the -)
Mar 31 2006, 5:02 pm