Well, when running JavaScript through the embedded browser element, the window object is completely useless. Every variable attached to it is completely empty.
Code Snippet (if applicable) to Reproduce Problem:
src << output("<html><body onresize=\"location.replace('byond://?resize=true&window='+window.name+'&newx='+window.outerHeight+'&newy='+window.screenX+'');\" ></body></html>","browser")
Topic(href,href_list[]) if(href_list["resize"]) world << "[href_list["var1"]] | [href_list["var2"]] | [href_list["var3"]]"
Note: The auto-filters caught "onresize" and replaced it with "disabledresize".
Expected Results:
To output the name of the window, the height of the window, and the position of the window on the horizontal axis.
Actual Results:
It outputs " | | ".
Ha! This was supposed to be a workaround for something else, a last resort, if you will.
These were supposed to be used for a window tracker. Instead of having a loop running a winget() for every client to keep track of positions and whatnot, I could use a couple clever tricks with the window's variables to do it on the client's end. Without access to these, the features that I'm working on are almost impossible to implement and impossible to implement gently.
This will tell you what properties are available. It looks like you might be able to use document.body.offsetWidth and document.body.offsetHeight instead.