Keywords: birthday, css, dbk, gfx, mdc

So I finally hit the 20's! Enjoying my night with some friends, my girlfriend, scary movies, and a nice 'ol bottle of Bacardi. Hope you guys will have a great day, I know I will!


DBK is still worked on. College and my girlfriend take up most of my time so I don't get much work done. Finally have one of my artists back from being so busy. He could still use some help though so if any artists out there would like to freelance and don't mind working on a Dragon Ball game, give me a message via pager or my msn(Shattered_Mikeh_1990 AT I have no screenshots to show(besides my shitty attempts at pixel art/placeholders) but I should have something to show whenever my artist gets some more art in.


Willing to create some CSS or GFX for a few bucks so send me a message if you need some.

Happy birthday =)
Whoaaa, Sunny D and Rum. Yum Yum. I think I'll run and get me some.
Happy birthday mofo good luck with that awesome lookin game.

Heheh your becoming an old man wahaha
Happy birthday man!
Happy birthday, bro.

You still a bish.
Riku 123q wrote:
Happy birthday, bro.

You still a bish.

Gracias :]

@Lige- Just sent the txt msg :]

and staff you should already know:

Lige(zomg that's you), Cals187, Xyberman, MDC(zomg that's me)
I can help out with Pixel Art and GFX, need something to stride me from Naruto.

Doobly-Doo Productions wrote:
I can help out with Pixel Art and GFX, need something to stride me from Naruto.


I'll send you a message on Friday.
happy b-day
Thanks. I've been thinking about redoing it lately.
This Css is my pride and joy and your thinking of re-doing it!

Sorry, really late reply!.

And also if you want to.. u can re do it :P
Don't worry, the layout most likely will be the same. I'm only going to make a few improvements here and there :P getting kinda tired of the yellow/orange.