For the heck of it, I'm going to list 6 things that range from irking me slightly to driving me mad, then 6 things I enjoy or find neat.:

Annoying things
1: Buying something you need and discovering after you return home that you left it at the store.

2: People who decide to be "different" just for the sake of being "different".

3: When I forget that sometimes, riddles or problems just don't have an answer. (Example: Snopes article deals with one of these situations.)

4: For some reason, when I watch a Movie or a TV Show, every little dumb thing gets to me. On that simpsons episode last night, why the heck did Carl put a birthday cake shaped like a barstool on the FLOOR and not even try to stop Homer from sitting on it?

5: That wierd thing that keeps me from telling people close to me when they're making a huge mistake or have something completely wrong.

6: Those times when I'm typing something long like this, and I accidently close the window.

Things I like

1: I discovered that if I wake up in the middle of a dream, I can keep the dream going if I keep my eyes closed, despite my being awake!

2: Being around animals, particularly dogs.

3: Those times when other people are struggling to find the answer to something, when I know there isn't one.

4: The time period between when I get something new and when I start using it.

5: Just watching people and seeing how I'm so much smarter than most of them.

6: When I'm bored, daydreaming about my having special abilities or traits, or my being in some sort of favorable situation. (I've always wanted to have a fortress in the middle of the Amazon Rain-Forest for some reason)

Questions? Comments? Snide remarks?

5: Just watching people and seeing how I'm so much smarter than most of them.

I think I just got that one!
Wow. #5 of likes makes me want to heave. :o
6: When I'm bored, daydreaming about my having special abilities or traits, or my being in some sort of favorable situation. (I've always wanted to have a fortress in the middle of the Amazon Rain-Forest for some reason)

I daydream I'm an awesome robot.