Well guys, B:ANB is stopping. I am instead going over to program for Hulio-G in Bleach Online. Ideas will still merge, so you B:ANB fans will still see some aspects of the game in Bleach Online. Thank you to all who played and supported the game!
Told me what would happen, exactly?
Also, don't come on here just to hate. If you really have the "life" to visit someone's blog just to hate them, then I suggest you find a new one.
What's the point of having a blog post if you can't take the comments?
Youngj52032 wrote:
What's the point of having a blog post if you can't take the comments?

What is the point of going to someone's blog to post "LMFAO", or "LOL". Give an intelligent response, or don't respond.
Your interpretation of an "intelligent response" wouldn't be the same as Galactic Soldier for example. Everyone is different -.-.
Galactic Soldier wrote:
How do you derive the word hate from laughter? I saw from the very beginning, that you were going to quite, and give up.

I didn't give up. I joined Hulio's team.

Your artwork is half assed, your base mobs are decent, but your turfing is complete disgust.

I didn't do any of the icons.

Your programming is disappointing,

Please tell me just when exactly you ever saw my source? You cannot know how my programming looks if you did not see it.

your game seemed so much similar to BSOC,

Enlighten me on this, please. It bears no resemblance to a rip game whatsoever.

and again, it was very buggy, even if it was just an "alpha test" it shouldn't of been done so poorly.

It was buggy. I was hosting it as an "Alpha Test" to get rid of the bugs. Derp.

The only thing that you may have a chance at is artwork, that is, if you made the base mobs,

I didn't.

and you're going to contribute your poor programming efforts to Hulio-G just to ruin his Bleach game,

Hulio-G has already seen my programming and deems it worthy to program for him. They are not "poor programming efforts".

not like it's going to be any good to begin with.

Have you even seen it before?

I'm not hating, I'm just amused at your fail.

How was me stopping B:ANB a fail?
You are flaming/trolling/hating. Don't deny the obvious.
Lol Galactic, I gotta admit, Albro is winning this argument.

Step up your troll tactics or NEVER RETURN TO THE DARK SIDE EVER AGAIN!
I wish you luck, Hulio is a good guy. I hope to see this game even more now.
id say you stepped up,great team your joining.
Galactic Soldier wrote:
EmpirezTeam wrote:
Lol Galactic, I gotta admit, Albro is winning this argument.

Step up your troll tactics or NEVER RETURN TO THE DARK SIDE EVER AGAIN!

only fail troll say albro win anything, i not even trying to troll to begin with u 2 just too stupid to realize

ur never welcomed to dark side again, ur exiled permanently, i cant even believe u right nao

u were my role model

Galactic Soldier wrote:
Zane444 wrote:
id say you stepped up,great team your joining.

y dont u go join his legion of fail

Why don't you find something to occupy your time? You seem to have nothing better to do.
Galactic Soldier wrote:
i have magical power to multitask
y dont u join? u trying to not fail?

He has is own project. Derp.
Wow this guy seriously has problems.well I'm done,Again good luck with the transition.
Galactic Soldier wrote:
ya so did u and hulio, y dont u just put all the fail into one fail ass project

Show me you can make a Bleach game that tops ours by miles, and I will bow down and respect you for all eternity.
Zane444 wrote:
Wow this guy seriously has problems.well I'm done,Again good luck with the transition.

Thanks. Good luck to you on your project as well.
Galactic Soldier wrote:
im not stupid like u
i can see sarcasm when i see it

I mean it completely. I do not have the slightest sliver of respect for you right now, other than the natural respect I have for any human. I will respect you as a gaming/trolling/whatever guru/master/whatever if you can make a game that tops mine by miles. I will even make a blog post about it.

I will not accept such rude, perverted comments on my blog.
Galactic Soldier wrote:
thats cuz ur not telling truth

Fine then, don't believe me. I don't care, anyways. Now get the hell off my blog.

There is no reason for me to "prove I am telling the truth". If you want to find out, make a game. I will do everything I said. Until then, you are banned from my blog.
Lol he said Hulio failed.
Keep the beer away from Hulio, that is all.
Riku 123q wrote:
Keep the beer away from Hulio, that is all.

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