As of today I'm working 7 days in a row! Fucking hell, they might only be 6 hour shifts this week but 7 days is a pain. That's if they don't ask me to extend it to 12 hour shifts (like they probably will sometimes)
Gonna be a loooooooong week.
Edit: It's actually 7 hour shifts not 6 hours. Hell that's like a full days work to some people, 12 hours a day is my normal shift.
Nov 21 2010, 9:02 pm
Welcome to hobby game develop-... Oh wait, nevermind.
It sickens me when people complain about their jobs, especially in this economy. If you don't like your job, me and everyone else who has applied for countless jobs but received no response would be happy to take your spot.
It sickens me when people complain about not having a job. On the internet.
Yeah. I went there. |
EmpirezTeam wrote:
It sickens me when people complain about their jobs, especially in this economy. If you don't like your job, me and everyone else who has applied for countless jobs but received no response would be happy to take your spot. I've had a couple jobs now.. looks like you're not qualified for much but trolling. |
EmpirezTeam wrote:
It sickens me when people complain about their jobs, especially in this economy. If you don't like your job, me and everyone else who has applied for countless jobs but received no response would be happy to take your spot. Hey! Hey it's not because you're black, it's because you aren't white. |
Jesus I was just having a little moan about working 7 days in a row. I was gonna leave it but I figured I'd comment. It isn't my fault you can't get a job, as bad as the economy may be there are still plenty of jobs. Theres a difference between there not being any jobs and you not WANTING to do those jobs.
If you really wanted a job that bad you wouldn't have time to come on here and comment, theres literally hundreds of websites dedicated to finding people jobs not to mention tons that offer advice and how to write CVs. |
I have two jobs right now, three if you count my navy duties... Surely you can get one.
I've had a couple jobs now.. looks like you're not qualified for much but trolling. I know man. Its bull. They keep hiring all the damn females and Mexicans. I see why people sell dope for a living. I just might have to go that route. |
Xuiryus wrote:
Jesus I was just having a little moan about working 7 days in a row. I was gonna leave it but I figured I'd comment. It isn't my fault you can't get a job, as bad as the economy may be there are still plenty of jobs. Theres a difference between there not being any jobs and you not WANTING to do those jobs. Lmao. Let me elaborate on why I don't have a job yet ( since you assume its because I don't want to do any jobs ): - Haven't hit 18 ( disqualifies me for a shitload of jobs I researched ) - Go to a bad high school ( several employers, atleast where I live, judge you according to the school you go to. meaning my application would probably be put aside if there is another high school kid's application that goes to one of the uppity high schools that has a better reputation ) - Convenience ( there aren't that many places I can work in my area. for example, there are several places to work at the mall, but the location of the mall is too far and I will need a car and a license to get there everyday ) -Discrimination ( one restaurant in my area seems to only want to hire females. theres about 3 males ( 1 being the manager ) working there all together. and they only do cooking. the rest are straight females. so basically, until they are in need of another cook, i won't get hired in since they prefer to have females do all the rest of the jobs. I suspect its a control issue since some employers feel its easier to manage over a group of females than a group of males ) And sadly, no, there aren't "plenty" of jobs. This is why more adults are taking the jobs high school kids do, which unfortunately leaves people like me with nothing since an adult will most likely get hired in before a teenager does. I never said it was your fault. My point was you should be grateful to have a job. I've been looking for a job longer than you think I have. 7 days may be a pain, but having nothing at all is an even bigger one. |
IcewarriorX wrote:
I have two jobs right now, three if you count my navy duties... Surely you can get one. Navy? |
Murrawhip wrote:
It sickens me when people complain about not having a job. On the internet. I'm not complaining on the internet. I'm complaining on BYOND. Big difference. |
EmpirezTeam wrote:
IcewarriorX wrote: Yes. Im enlisted in the u.s. navy. I drill about twice a month. I don't ship for a few months though. |
IcewarriorX wrote:
EmpirezTeam wrote: ARE YOU ARMY STRONG?! |