Naruto Online is a loosely-based Naruto game that will take place many years after the events of the Fourth Great Shinobi World War. At the conclusion of the Fourth Great Shinobi World War, the Daimyo of The Five Great Shinobi Countries came together at the Council of the Daimyo to discuss the future of their countries. It was decided it would benefit everyone if the military strength of each country’s shinobi villages was greatly weakened. This would be a surefire way to prevent ungodly strong ninja, like Orochimaru and the members of Akatsuki, from ever arising again. Furthermore, there was no need for strong ninjas now that the tailed beasts had seemingly been vanquished. To this end, they discontinued the hosting of the Chuunin exams and stripped the Hidden Villages’ Kages of their power to command the shinobi. In order to make ends meet, ninja would now have to join their Daimyo’s army or find another source of income. For a short time, this worked well in terms of preventing strong ninja from arising, but the Daimyo didn’t anticipate ninja families to pass on the shinobi heritage to their children. Once again, strong ninja began to rise. While many of these ninja joined the Daimyo, others turned to crime and began to illegally accept missions for income. The number of illegal ninja in each Daimyo’s territory was rapidly increasing past the number of legal ninjas, and strife was beginning to break out; some sort of action had to be taken. The action that was decided upon was to reinstate the Chuunin exams as well as the Hidden Villages’ rights to accept missions and the Kages’ rights to command shinobi. The shinobi of this generation have much to face ahead of them in the most troubling era since The Fourth Great Shinobi World War. Will you be able to save the shinobi world, or will you contribute to its destruction? This is the origin of the Golden Era of Shinobi!
The game will have an intricate and detailed story based around arcs. Each arc will have many sub-arcs that progress the story until the end of that arc. At the conclusion of each arc/sub-arc the backstory will be updated. Each arc will last for a few months and the major events/sub-arcs will be announced at least one week in advance. Each arc will have its very own story document.
Naruto Online is opening arms to anyone who would like to pursue improving their pixel art skills, make long-term friends, make a name for themselves, or just want something to do with their talent. We have a few requirements, as every team does, before we allow you to join; they're fairly generic but it's a sure-fire way of testing where you're at and where we can use you best.
- Windows Live/Yahoo/Gmail (Anything that is compatible with Windows Live) account that is active at most times, so we can contact you. Communication is key when building a great team.
- Know the basics of Pixel Art or be willing to take criticism to improve your abilities. If you're a knuckle-head and you don't want to listen, don't bother replying to our offer.
- Have artwork ready to present at the time of adding us for your interview/evaluation. If you do not, it will be frowned upon BUT we will give you a task to complete within a few days to a weeks time, time limit will vary.
- Be a team player, which is given.
- Be able to take a joke; we like to screw around, being fairly light-hearted about comments would be a big plus, we don't mean ANYTHING we say. But if you do feel offended, just talk to one of us.
- Ready to take on any task: Not everything is gonna be fun, my god sometimes it's downright torture but if you're not willing to pick your end of the weight, you will verbally warned once then booted if there is further resistance.
Base Preview: Here (Updated Link)
The base here is fitted for easy clothing appliance, so I'd like to have people disregard the size. The base is almost nearly complete aside from some fun things Mes and I would like to add and taijutsu moves. As you can tell there will be an Inuzaka clan, more information on clans will be released at a latter date.
If you have no interest in joining but you would like to support us, become a member, watch out for and favorite our games. We will be releasing some sort of forum, but that's still up in the air.
To reply to this, either leave a message with:
Mesmerise @ aznboi017 AT msn.com or UPD4T3 @ UPD4T3 AT live.com
** AT =/= @