Anyone here play Vindictus? If so, what server and what's your in-game name? I've been playing it since January 1st of this year. Wondering if I already know any of you on there :P
If you don't know what Vindictus is, click here :)
Also here's a video of a friend and I duoing a raid:
Hope you enjoy watching it and hope to see some of you on there :)
My in-game name is Tanryoku and I'm on the East server.
Nov 7 2012, 12:23 pm
URL 404'd
Fixed the link, thanks for that :)
I tried Mabinogi once but didn't get into it too much. Do you play Vindictus, Kidpaddle? |
Never tried..i played Mabinogi but just like you didn`t stayed too long.
Maybe i`ll give it a shot, if i do i`ll hit you up! xD |
I play, but haven't logged in for awhile... been playing Combat Arms. Trying to get to General, since I'm already Major3. :D
@Kidpaddle: Alright let me know if you do :) The more the merrier, it's a really fun game. Especially with the guild I'm in lol
@Zane: Leave your in-game name and I'll find you whenever you're on. Mine is Tanryoku. |
Yeah, I've played mabinogi a little bit but stopped playing because it's hard to get into alone aha. I also do play Vindi from time to time, I'll have to see what my ign is though. I'll hit you up sometime when I'm on