Bleach Alluring Fate

by Aeon Games Inc
Bleach Alluring Fate
Project no longer worked on(Obviously)
good work with icons and truff and such if the skills and gameplay are on the same lvl as that youll have a top ten game afew weeks after beta.
So you're starting it back up? Thats good to know.
Yeah. I'm back from my 4 month break. Figured I would start again.
Hey man, Haven't talked to you in forever,Nice looking game, can't wait to play.
Still working on it? :)
Date added: Nov 05, 2010
Last updated: May 26, 2011
Last played: May 18, 2011
dead project?
Heitorliberado wrote:
Date added: Nov 05, 2010
Last updated: May 26, 2011
Last played: May 18, 2011
dead project?

Aeon Games Inc " Dead "
Aeon and I aren't working on this anymore. It's scrapped.
good job your both retarded game looked good and played well congrats on joining the majority
Yes! I have found it. I played this game a couple times and I was so angry when I lost it. and im sad now because ive found it and its not up. lolz oh well.
then give me the source
yo give me this game, i would be glade to keep it up and going, this game to make it big :O
In response to Darkith12
No longer have this source, or any of my old source's since leaving byond. Sorry
In response to Aeon Games Inc
damn this game could of been BIG oh well :(
In response to Darkith12
lol it's a really old game anyway.