for(var/mob/Players in oview(10))
Problem description:
How can you control all the players that are not in oview() ?
for(var/mob/Players in oview(10)) Problem description: How can you control all the players that are not in oview() ? |
Nov 5 2012, 10:55 pm
range() and orange() should do the trick.
So you mean to say that you want to control everyone that isn't in oview()? Just do for(var/mob/m) - that grabs a list of every mob in the world. The same concept applies to grabbing players - for(var/client/c).
Yea but i want to make a list of every monsters that are not in players oview() to walk back to their initial loc.
That could be very troublesome with a lot of mobs, it's best to make indivisual AIs for the monsters and then you could make a variable for if it's found an mob, how far that mob is, and if the mob is in view. With this, you can allow them to walk a certain distance before the mob stops chasing them.
mob/monster Probably sloppy, but you should get the jest of it. I'm rather tired currently. Others are free to correct and shame me on this post, they would anyway. D: (lol) |