Keywords: dms, error
(See the best response by A.T.H.K.)
n return "OOC"
m return "Say"
q return "Rat"
w return "Ox"
e return "Tiger"
r return "Rabbit"
t return "Dragon"
y return "Snake"
u return "Horse"
i return "Ram"
o return "Monkey"
p return "Bird"
a return "Dog"
s return "Boar"
d return "ChangeElement"
f return "ChangeJutsutype"
g return "ChangeSupport"
h return "Support"
l return "Dodge"
Space return "UseHandSeal"
z return "AttackMob"
x return "Weapon"
b return "SignatureJutsu"
v return "ComboSignatureJutsu"
c return "Item-Next"
k return "train"
j return "Chakramob"

Problem description:i can't seem to get these commands to work im new at coding and i keep getting errors

Best response
Aren't dms files redundant now due to the fact that we have interface controls?

Anyway you shouldn't learn from a RIP or source code from a terribly programmed Naruto game.

You should however read -

The .dms format is more or less obsolete at this point as the .dmf format supports macros far better than the old script format did. .dms does still have a feature you cannot accomplish anywhere else, but I'd surmise not many people would be using it anyways.