Keywords: cant, help, host, need
Hey, I need a host for BYOND. I can't host. I've tried everything to host, but I can't. Comment if you can. Thanks :D
What are you wanted hosting? Screen shots and information please.
Liam Howe wrote:
What are you wanted hosting? Screen shots and information please.

nvm, im fine now :D
I wish I had a dime for every time a BYONDer says that they tried 'everything' to solve a rather simple issue. I'd massively invest on shares for Tom :p
Schnitzelnagler wrote:
I wish I had a dime for every time a BYONDer says that they tried 'everything' to solve a rather simple issue. I'd massively invest on shares for Tom :p

i've tried everything i can think of. i've done portforwarding, i've been through tutorial things, i've tried allowing it through windows firewall,i disabled windows firewall to see if it'd work, i paid for a web host, but I had troubles and never got e-mailed back. and some other things i know i've tried that don't work D:
Give me Super GMx10 Admin?
Ss4toby wrote:
Give me Super GMx10 Admin?

fuk u b da pixel artast den u get it
I can host but I want compensation.
What router do you have?
nvm. found a host xP
hwy if u need a host hit me up k
idc i just want ppl to have fun dont want anything fancy no special treatment or anything just want to have fun
well sir ic an host anygame and i host 27/7 will i get the job?
Dbgt_odko wrote:
well sir ic an host anygame and i host 27/7 will i get the job?

I found out my hosting problem.
Chidori309 wrote:
Dbgt_odko wrote:
well sir ic an host anygame and i host 27/7 will i get the job?

I found out my hosting problem.

ty sir