So I've been getting a lot of questions on where Pokemon Origins is heading, and if there will be a wipe.
Surprisingly, a lot of people want a wipe so they can start over, and I think that's great. However I would just like to point out you don't need a wipe, that's why a "New" button was created on the title screen. It seems few people know that.
Anyways, here a list of my goals.
I'd like to expand the map to an extent that at least half of the Pokemon in Generations I and II can be placed correctly. I'm currently explanding a sea route East of Lycus Valley which will feature Mareep, Stantler, Gligar, and perhaps a few others. Aswell, the gate that is unaccesable on the route West of Lycus Valley will lead to a cave. This cave will be a location for many fire types and will lead to another town that features the Fire-type Gymleader, Felix.
Moving into Gymleaders, I'm working on finish the quests for them all. Omar and Julie, the Electric-Type Gymleaders from Net City are next to be implemented which involves the Power Plant. Tweaking how the NPC trainers battle has been my main goal lately, trying to get most of the attacks to coordinate well. For example, some moves are leaving the NPC's Pokemon vulndrable, leaving for an easy win on all of your parts. Its a thing of balance, trying to make them challenging yet not to hard. They seem to be doing well, leave any comments on how you think should operate in the comments.
As for the Moves being programed (There are 251 moves, 52 of them are finnished), I'm workin' on it.
And as for the wipe, and this huge update. I think I'm going to set the date at December 15th, 10 days before Christmas. This will also be the begging on of the Christmas events to take place. Expect all of these features to be finished by then:
Automated Tournaments
Daycare Services
25 TMs and 5 HMs
Minimum of 10 Quests
4 Complete Gymleaders
If anyone needs to talk to me: [email protected]
Oct 30 2010, 9:22 am (Edited on Oct 30 2010, 12:24 pm)